ShotLiner is a free and open-source tool for creating shotlists from a screenplay PDF.
New in 0.3.x:
User Input
Abstract user input using Godot input mapping, prepare for touch-screen based input
Add basic keyboard shortcuts
- UndoCtrl
- RedoCtrl
- Import PDFCtrl
- Save to ShotLiner (.sl) DocumentCtrl
- Open ShotLiner (.sl) DocumentCtrl
- Export to CSV
Shotline Control Change
- Hold
while drawing to invert filmed segments of shotlines, instead of right click
- Hold
0.3.1 - Hotfix:
- Fixed bug that caused file dialog to no longer show up after completing a single file open or close operation
0.3.2 - Bugfix
- Commented out a debug line that caused scene numbers to be overwritten by placeholder text
I am currently developing this solo, and would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. Please open a GitHub issue, or send me an e-mail for a feature request or bug report:
Please include the following information, if filing a bug report:
- Platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.)
- Hardware (Computer Model number, or a detailed list of components)
- ShotLiner version
- Steps to repeat bug or failure (!)
- Import any screenplay-formatted PDF
- Create multiple ShotLines per page
- Resize shotline using Move tool
- Shotlines can be Multipage, and span across many pages
- A Shotline will have a Closed or Open endcap at each end, to visually distinguish which lines start or end on a previous or following page
- Click on individual Shotlines to assign unique metadtata
- delete Shotlines by using eraser tool
- Click and drag Shotlines to move them horizontally
- When dragged to a new x-position, Shotlines retain that position when the page is refreshed
- Right-click drag over the body of a Shotline to toggle filmed (Straight line) or unfilmed (jagged line) segments
- Resize shotline using Move tool
- Save and Load document and shotline data to .sl file
- Can export shotlines and metadata to a CSV file
- Use Toolbar to select either Draw, Erase, or Move tool
- Can Undo and Redo the following:
- Navigate Pages
- Draw shotlines
- Erase Shotlines
- Toggle Filmed/ unfilmed sections of shotlines (Straight or Jagged lines)
- Resize shotlines
- Move shotlines horizontally on page
- PdfPig
- This Library is used to ingest PDF text content, including the exact position of each character or grapheme on a page
- godot-uuid