These are features that are critical to the eventual 1.0 release:
Proper PDF Element Parsing
- This is necessary and mandatory for being able to automatically assign scene numbers to shotlines
Quality of Life / Workflow Efficiency
Auto-populate ShotLine fields with relevant metadata
Automatic nominal scene number detection
Automatically assign next shot number in sequence when creating multiple shotlines
User Input
Abstract user input using Godot input mapping, prepare for touch-screen based input
Add basic keyboard shortcuts
- Undo -
- Redo -
- Import PDF -
- Save to ShotLiner (.sl) Document -
- Open ShotLiner (.sl) Document -
- Export to CSV
Shotline Control Change
- Hold
while drawing to invert filmed segments of shotlines, instead of right click
- Hold
User Input
Intuitive Touchscreen Controls (i.e. for Android or iOS, but could also include Windows or Linux tablet support)
UX / Workflow
Auto-populate shot TYPE (WIDE, MEDIUM, CLOSEUP, etc.) based a dropdown and/or radial menu that pops up after drawing each shotline
Right click menu on shotline with option "Duplicate inverted" for instantly creating a shotline with the opposite filmed / unfilmed segments
- Change (segment film toggle) from right-click to ctrl click
Manually Change Document Elements
Right click a page line and assign a line type (I.e. force a scene heading, action, dialogue, etc.)
Allow user to re-map margins using ruler lines
Slate Number Compatibility
Add in support for alphabetical / alphanumeric shot numbers
i.e. When filming on set, shots are not numbered numerically, but alphabetically
"Scene 1-alpha, take one" - 1A
"Scene 36-Bravo, take seven" - 36B
Make sure to EXCLUDE these letters (but maybe have an option in settings to restore these letters):
Blank storyboard template
Each frame will correspond to a shotline, and will include metadata next to the frame like shot type, lens mm, setup #, etc.
Requires viewport and/or PDF export shenanigans which is haaaaard
Filterable output based upon scenes or tags
For example, export a CSV with only certain categories of shots:
Only wide shots
Only particular setups or groups of setups
Only shots
Output multiple CSVs, per filter
Output custom shotlists from a custom shooting schedule
Shotline reordering
- Add up/down arrows to re-assign a shotline new shot number relative to other shot lines per scene
Continuous Scroll-through pages view
Zoomable page view
UI Scaling
General Script Breakdown
Document highlighting / Tagging
- Generate reports on screenplay based upon occurrences of tagged elements like props, stunts, special effects, actors, etc.s
User registered / searchable tags
i.e. User can create their own shotline-specific tags such as "Magnifying glass prop" or "Big car VFX" and then assign those tags to shotlines
Can recall and re-use existing user tags to new shotlines
Shotlines that cover highlighted page elements have those highlighted elements automatically added as page tags
Can search and filter based upon tags:
"User-Tag-able" Items:
Scenes (Scene Headings)
This is major and critical, but the most complex problem, technically
Screenplay Draft merge-forward
Ability to merge current shotlines onto a new draft of the screenplay
Because Shotliner stores each pageline with a unique UUID, it should be feasible to diff the current screenplay content with a newly imported draft.
Shotlines that are only on excised pages will be simply removed, but perhaps with a warning or "ghost" shotline to show what was lost
Some shotlines may be partially cut off, i.e. start on a deleted page but end on a page that is not excised.
- these shotline fragments will be marked with a special color or outline or label, so the user can intervene manually