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NicolasNewman edited this page Jan 11, 2020 · 2 revisions

DHCP Server

Do We need a DHCP Server?

In order for other computers to access Scouter's web server over the wired network, they need to know how to find the correct computer. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Manually assign every connected device an IP address.
  2. Use a DHCP Server to automatically handle the address assignments.

While the first option is possible, it creates extra confusion due to having to keep track of all the addresses that are in use, alongside every operating system having very different ways to manually set it. To remedy this headache, we highly recommend going with the 2nd option, which we explain in detail below.

Running a DHCP Server on Windows

To learn how to run a DHCP Server on Windows, please view this guide.

Running a DHCP Server on macOS