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NicolasNewman edited this page Jan 7, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome to Scouter - an open source web server to help with your FRC scouting needs.

This wiki serves as the central source of information for how to install, configure, and run Scouter.

Table of Contents


What is Scouter?

Scouting is an important aspect for teams who want to be able to form the best Alliance possible at First Robotics competitions. Unfortunetly, many teams are stuck using a pen & paper system due to having neither the time nor resources to develop a digital system. While there are options out there, many are designed to specifically accomodate the developer's team needs and are not generalized to the wider audience. On top of that, there is the added difficulty of WiFi networks being banned at competition, which not all systems adhere to or they relly on Bluetooth, which limits what you can send.

Scouter is designed to fix these issues by using a network switch and DHCP server to create a local wired network. Once devices connect to the local network, they can access a webpage that connects to a database and stores the scouting data.


Image of visualizations

Customizable charts to view data that is stored in the database.

Image of admin panel 1 Image of admin panel 2

Admin panel that lets the lead scout assign who is scouting what and view which forms have been submitted.

Image of launcher

Launcher application that allows the server to easily be turned on and configured.

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