Azure Web App (Multi) Container way to get a low cost containerized App Service with more than one HTTP entry point.
Have you ever needed to dev/test a containerized multiservice application using docker compose, running in the cloud? Has your application more than one host (container) exposed through an HTTP (*) port?
(*) As you'll find in the "Limitations" section, under "Docker Compose", being primarily an App Service, attaches itself to a single container that exposes ports 8080 or 80, mapping it as the HTTP(S) entry point. Source post:
When working on projects that contain many services (or microservices), a quick option is to use a Docker Compose + Azure Web App for (Multi) Containers. It's an easy way to pack a bunch of microservices (containerized) using Docker Compose, with one of them acting as the main HTTP entry point.
A limitation for advanced scenarios is its single HTTP entry point nature. When multiple HTTP endpoints coexist under the same umbrella the solution seems to fell short.
We'll show a way to deploy multi HTTP exposed endpoint, bypassing this limitation.
Without further due, here's the front page solution: Envoy.
That's right! We'll use a its proxy capabilities, to reach different endpoints from a single entry point.
Please keep in mind that, although tempting and cheap, going to PROD with something like this, can eventually lead you into troubles down the line. Our suggestion: use for testing only