🌱 Currently ...
- (latest) Middle-grounding back to Monolith now in the .NET 8 era. Microservices solved some but not all scenarios.
- Playing with RP2040 PIO & Multicore features. Trying to come up with a scenario that makes sense for a sample real-world usage repo to publish (if you'd like to help I'm happy to listen).
- Wasted countless hours on trying to work on a setup for a Jetson Orin Nano Dev Kit + NVME + Jetpack 6.0 DP. Will wait for the PROD ready build to try again. Also failed on trying to run LLama3 (8B parameters) using Ollama on top of such HW + OS (but on an SD Card).
- Learning OpenGL as a means to enhance graphics performance over the Vision Therapy program in the work queue (therappeye). OpenGL turned out to be a valid choice to create a solution that can run cross-platform (software & hardware). Thanks to Mike Shah (@mikeshah) for his "Introduction to OpenGL" series (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvv0ScY6vfd9zlZkIIqGDeG5TUWswkMox). Testing Shaders https://github.com/luisgizirian/opengl-shaders
- After years of bubbling around, a project on Vision Therapy is finally out the door (https://github.com/movement-disorders/therappeye). I hope it grows in all directions!
- A journey into CUDA development (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit) has begun. Let's see where this takes me...
- Playing with Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 MCU. Setting a dev/debug environment based on VS Code Remote-SSH, a Raspberry Pi as Dev machine containing C++ SDK et al. Plus, acting as debug probe by using SWD (wired debugging!) right from RPi's GPIO. Besides ensuring a working dev environment, no target project in mind yet. I'd love to play with its Programmable IO (PIO) State Machines though.
- Back into dotnet, this time playing with Redis PubSub features and Async Req Resp architectural pattern. Mixing a public and backend frontends, dealing with queues and events for decoupling actual and future actions. Controllers, Razor Pages and Blazor compose the API and UI. Some React and Docker build automation for semi-dynamic JS operations... Have a look at: https://github.com/luisgizirian/sample-microservices-pubsub
- in an effort to come up with a device to help people with balance disorders during daily walks, I came across OpenSim (https://opensim.stanford.edu), so I'm trying to discover how this simulator could help on Model Training and Post Analysis phases.
- main work has taken all time slots. Migrating an old .Net Framework multi-tenant monolith into a dotnet 3.1, 6, 7 microservices architecture to take advantage of Containers and Linux and taking the opportunity of lowering cloud operational costs at the same time. Hope to get back soon enough into the realms of FPGAs, RISC-V and LED Matrices.
- maximizing processing with FPGAs. Currently learning how to build a High Frame Rate driver for LED matrices.
- An intermediate goal: using an Arduino MKR Vidor 4000 FPGA component as Development Board. You can follow my progress visiting https://github.com/luisgizirian/seven-segment-fpga-driver
- learning about applying HyperLedger Fabric on a use case for Growers, Farmers and Food Producers... (decentralizing with blockchain technologies)
- prototyping a Rust based OS Kernel. Objective: an IOT OS to ease application maintenance (details to come...)
- loving electronics, sensors, and their AI capabilities for on-site (EDGE) inference. Ideas flowing!
- working on understanding Human Activity Recognition (HAR) from an AI perspective, to come up with a real-time fall prevention wearable. Targeted to people with balance disorders
- built @beneater 8-bit computer on a breadboard https://eater.net/8bit/ as a hardware project on the side.