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Releases: gocodebox/lifterlms

Version 2.6.1

27 Apr 00:17
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  • Fix class conflict in collapsible course outline widget template which caused some UX issues.

Version 2.6.0

25 Apr 18:58
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Collapsible Course Outline Widget
  • By request we've added an option to make your course outline widgets collapsible!
  • View feature Documentation
  • New translations available related to feature. I think it's 4 strings.
Bug Fixes
  • Removed an unused CSS selector that caused some issues on the admin panel. This resolves an issue identified with the Page Builder by SiteOrigin plugin. The selector was very generic (.title) and may have caused issues with other themes or plugins using that class.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented post update, save, and publishing messages for core post types (posts, pages) from displaying properly.

Version 2.5.1

22 Apr 18:13
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  • Fixed session handler initialization as it was being initialized prior to user data availability.
  • Staged LLMS_Language class for deprecation in favor of WordPress translation functions __(), _e(), etc... If you're a developer you'll start seeing warning's on screen or in your logs if you're using this function, it will be completely removed in the next MAJOR release (3.0.0)
  • Added a new function to handle the deprecation warning above (llms_deprecated_function) and now that we have this function we'll start deprecating all the things. Just kidding, or am I?
  • This gives translators access to 69 new strings that were previously untranslatable! However, this number might be inaccurate +/- 5 strings. I only counted it once and I don't feel like the exact number is important enough for a recount to ensure accuracy. /shrug

Version 2.6.0-1 Prerelease

20 Apr 18:59
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Session overhaul

Alternate checkout

Version 2.5.0

15 Apr 23:26
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Admin Panel Order Table Updates

  • Several visual improvements to the table
  • Exposed the following fields on the table
    • Order number
    • Customer name (with a link to their WP profile)
    • Customer email (mailto link)
    • Payment gateway used (this is filterable per gateway as well so gateways can improve the functionality here in the future)
  • Added a link to the product edit page from the product column
  • Free orders will now display as "Free" as opposed to {currency}0.00
  • Removed the not-so-useful "Order" column which was a long ugly string of data that was displayed in other columns already
  • Removed the "Password Protected" flag since all orders are always automatically password protected for added security. This flag distracts from the interface so we've removed it. Orders are still password protected though.
  • Numerous strings that were previously not translatable have been made translatable on this screen
  • A few new strings that previously didn't exist are now available for translation

Fixes and other small changes

  • Fixed a translation issue on the LifterLMS menu that we thought we fixed in the last release but have now really fixed (probably).
  • Fixed a few small issues with engagements as they related to external engagements triggered by other plugins and LifterLMS extensions.
  • Tired of seeing a banner for a plugin you've already installed? We have your back! The general settings area will now only display banners for plugins that aren't installed.
  • Fixed various javascript issues, mostly removed console.log() statements.
  • Fixed a spelling error on the membership admin panel settings screen

Version 2.4.1

07 Apr 19:20
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= v2.4.1 - 2016/04/07 =

  • Tested and compatible with WordPress 4.5 Release Candidate.
  • Fixed a pagination issue related to updates to the quiz builder from 2.4.0 which would cause results to return incorrect results on the last page of paginated results in the "Add Question" dropdown.
  • Added translation functions to LifterLMS Menu Items. Resolves an issue where translated LifterLMS installations might not see all the menu items under the LifterLMS Icon.
  • Italian translation updates curtosey of @AndreaBarghigiani
  • On some themes the "Next Lesson" button was displayed while quizzes were being taken. We now always hide the next lesson button when a quiz is being taken.
  • Adjusted some static functions to be non static in
  • Added a function to ensure support for post thumbnails on LifterLMS custom post types
  • If a user views a course that is available to them because it belongs to a membership level they are a member of, course pricing information will no longer be visible. This addresses a confusing user experience issue. Previously it appeared like payment for a course was still required even though it really wasn't.
  • Fixed undefined variable warning on quiz summary screen
  • Resolve an issue with quiz timer that caused issues on time display if the time limit was set to a fraction of a minute (eg 1.5 minutes)
  • resolved an undefined variable warning resulting from courses still holding a reference to a membership after the membership has been deleted or trashed

Version 2.4.0

29 Mar 22:10
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= v2.4.0 - 2016/03/29 =

Performance Improvements on the LifterLMS Quiz Builder
  • Completely rewrote Javascript associated with building a LifterLMS Quiz. Our users have been identifying some performance issues and slowness when working with larger databases. We've refactored the Javascript and our related database queries to allow faster quiz building and fewer timeouts when working in the quiz builder.
  • Fixed a bunch of undefined variables that would produce PHP warnings in various quiz templates
  • Added validation to quiz questions on the admin panel to prevent the same question from being added to a quiz multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented quizzes from correctly marking the lesson as completed when the quiz was passed.
  • Added three new actions now available for developers to hook into.
    • lifterlms_quiz_completed called upon completion of a quiz (regardless of grade)
    • lifterlms_quiz_passed called when a quiz is completed with a passing grade
    • lifterlms_quiz_failed called when a quiz is completed with a failing grade
  • Course Progress and Course Syllabus shortcodes (and widgets) now work on Quiz pages
  • Completed Metabox refactor for the LifterLMS Quiz post type and removed LLMS_Meta_Box_Quiz_General class. All functions now exist in LLMS_Meta_Box_Quiz
  • Added validation to the Quiz general settings
    • Cannot only enter numbers in attempts, percentage, and time limit fields
    • Cannot enter a negative number or a number greater than 100 in the percentage field
  • Removed the membership restriction metabox from quiz admin and question admin screens
Other fixes
  • Fixed an issue that caused multiple certificates awarded for the same Course or Lesson to not properly display on the My Account page.
  • Removed an event bound to the publishing of a LifterLMS Question that called a function that didn't exist and caused a Javascript error on the console (but didn't actually cause any problems)
  • Removed a warning message that would display on sidebars when a shortcode was being displayed in a place that it couldn't function. We now simply don't display any content if the shortcode can't function.
  • Resolved an issue that prevent users from "purchasing" products when using a 100% coupon and the Stripe payment gateway. Users experiencing this issue should also update to Stripe 3.0.1.
  • Fixed an AJAX related issue that was incompatible with PHP7
  • Added the ability to have a "max" value on LifterLMS Admin Metabox number fields

Version 2.4.0 - RC 1

28 Mar 22:05
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Version 2.4.0 - RC 1 Pre-release

= v2.4.0 - 2016/03/28 =

Performance Improvements on the LifterLMS Quiz Builder
  • Completely rewrote Javascript associated with building a LifterLMS Quiz. Our users have been identifying some performance issues and slowness when working with larger databases. We've refactored the Javascript and our related database queries to allow faster quiz building and fewer timeouts when working in the quiz builder.
  • Fixed a bunch of undefined variables that would produce PHP warnings in various quiz templates
  • Added validation to quiz questions on the admin panel to prevent the same question from being added to a quiz multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented quizzes from correctly marking the lesson as completed when the quiz was passed.
  • Added three new actions now available for developers to hook into.
    • lifterlms_quiz_completed called upon completion of a quiz (regardless of grade)
    • lifterlms_quiz_passed called when a quiz is completed with a passing grade
    • lifterlms_quiz_failed called when a quiz is completed with a failing grade
  • Course Progress and Course Syllabus shortcodes (and widgets) now work on Quiz pages
Other fixes
  • Removed an event bound to the publishing of a LifterLMS Question that called a function that didn't exist and caused a Javascript error on the console (but didn't actually cause any problems)
  • Removed a warning message that would display on sidebars when a shortcode was being displayed in a place that it couldn't function. We now simply don't display any content if the shortcode can't function.
  • Resolved an issue that prevent users from "purchasing" products when using a 100% coupon and the Stripe payment gateway. Users experiencing this issue should also update to Stripe 3.0.1.
  • Fixed an AJAX related issue that was incompatible with PHP7

Version 2.3.0

24 Mar 17:57
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= v2.3.0 - 2016/03/24 =

Engagements Refactoring (lots of bugfixes, performance improvements, more hook & filter friendly)
  • We've completely rewritten the LifterLMS Engagement Handler methods (class LLMS_Engagements) and added some new engagement actions.
  • The rewrite unifies engagement handling into one function that can be easily hooked into by plugin and theme developers.
  • We've moved any engagment related data out of the main LifterLMS class
  • Fixed the broken engagement delay functionality which now runs of wp_schedule_single_event. This makes the function more reliable and also keeps it within the traditional WordPress architecture.
  • Added an additional check before sending emails or triggering any engagments that will prevent the achievement from being awarded or the email from being sent if the post is in not published. This fixes an issue that caused emails in the trash from still being emailed.
  • Removed the unused LLMS_Engagements class and file
  • Added two new engagment trigger events "Membership Purchased" and "Course Purchased"
  • Deprecated actions -- Removes some redundancy because the triggering actions (lifterlms_course_completed triggered the notification action, instead lifterlms_course_completed simply triggers the engagement now).
    • lifterlms_lesson_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_section_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_course_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_course_track_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_course_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_user_purchased_product_notification
    • lifterlms_created_person_notification
Bug and Issue fixes
  • Fixed a CSS issue that caused some weirdness on the course archive page on mobile devices
  • Fixed an issue with automated membership expirations
  • Fixed a function that should have been called statically in LLMS_Ajax class
  • Fixed a ton of issues related to the triggering of engagements and cleaned up a lot of classes and functions associated with them.
  • Properly instatiate LifterLMS singleton via LLMS() function and prevent direct instantiation of the class via new LifterLMS().
  • Removed the deprecated '' file as it was rendered useless a long time ago and caused some duplicate emails.

Version -- PreRelease

23 Mar 00:30
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= v2.3.0-1 - 2016/03/22 =

Engagements Refactoring (lots of bugfixes, performance improvements, more hook & filter friendly)
  • We've completely rewritten the LifterLMS Engagement Handler methods (class LLMS_Engagements) and added some new engagement actions.
  • The rewrite unifies engagement handling into one function that can be easily hooked into by plugin and theme developers.
  • We've moved any engagment related data out of the main LifterLMS class
  • Fixed the broken engagement delay functionality which now runs of wp_schedule_single_event. This makes the function more reliable and also keeps it within the traditional WordPress architecture.
  • Added an additional check before sending emails or triggering any engagments that will prevent the achievement from being awarded or the email from being sent if the post is in not published. This fixes an issue that caused emails in the trash from still being emailed.
  • Removed the unused LLMS_Engagements class and file
  • Added two new engagment trigger events "Membership Purchased" and "Course Purchased"
  • Deprecated actions -- Removes some redundancy because the triggering actions (lifterlms_course_completed triggered the notification action, instead lifterlms_course_completed simply triggers the engagement now).
    • lifterlms_lesson_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_section_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_course_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_course_track_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_course_completed_notification
    • lifterlms_user_purchased_product_notification
    • lifterlms_created_person_notification
Bug and Issue fixes
  • Fixed a CSS issue that caused some weirdness on the course archive page on mobile devices
  • Fixed an issue with automated membership expirations
  • Fixed a function that should have been called statically in LLMS_Ajax class
  • Fixed a ton of issues related to the triggering of engagements and cleaned up a lot of classes and functions associated with them.
  • Properly instatiate LifterLMS singleton via LLMS() function and prevent direct instantiation of the class via new LifterLMS().
  • Removed the deprecated '' file as it was rendered useless a long time ago and caused some duplicate emails.