Releases: gocodebox/lifterlms
Releases · gocodebox/lifterlms
Course Builder Overhaul
v1.2.4 - 2015-04-22
- Moved All Course metaboxes to global Course Options Metabox
- Move Enrolled and Non-Enrolled user wysiwyg post editors to Options Metabox
- Removed Course Syllabus metabox, Added Course Outline Metabox
- Set priority of Course Outline and Course Options Metabox to top
- Added ability to Create new section to Course Outline
- Added abiliyt to Create new lesson to Course Outline
- Added ability to add existing Lesson to Course Outline
- Added Lesson duplicate functionality when adding lesson previously assigned to another course.
- Added ability to drag lessons between sections in Course Outline
- Added ability to edit Section Title in Course Outline
- Added ability to edit lesson title and excerpt in Course Outline
- Added New Style and Design for better usability to Course Outline
- Added Lesson Icon with tooltip to Course Outline: Prerequisite - shows if prerequisite exists and displays name of prerequisite
- Added Lesson Icon with tooltip to Course Outline: Quiz - shows if quiz is assigned to course and displays name of quiz
- Added Lesson Icon with tooltip to Course Outline: Drip Content - shows if drip days are set and # of days
- Added Lesson Icon with tooltip to Course Outline: Content - displays if lesson has content added.
- Added Course Outline Metabox to Lesson Post Editor: Allows you to assign lesson to section and view entire course tree. Links to Course and all other lessons in course.
- Style Update: backgrounds on frontend. Removed all references to white background on front end elements
- Corrected Restriction for course in past. Updated course in past message to display as Course ended instead of Course not available until.
- Added restriction message when user attempts to visit a restricted lesson.
- Updated course syllabus sidebar widget to not display lessons as links if user is not enrolled in course.
- Added ability to use Attribute Order for sorting Courses and Memberships on Archive pages.
- Added support for selling memberships with Woocommerce. LifterLMS now checks memberships for SKU matches in addition to Courses when products are purchased using WooCommerce.
- Added gulp for scss, js and svg management
- Added svg sprite and svg class for managing svg elements on front and backend.
- Added better language translation support for strings
- Refactored Ajax Classes for cleaner, faster development
- Refactored metabox build class for cleaner, faster development
- Refactored Course syllabus to reduce query size for larger, complex courses
- Added Handler classes for Lessons, Sections, Courses and Posts
- Refactored Course get / set methods to reduce database queries
Minor updates and bug fixes
v1.2.3 - 2015-03-12
- Achievement design and functionality updates
- Achievement shortcode added
- Better searching added to engagement screen
- Achievement bug fixes
- On screen error reporting added to activation for trouble shooting
- Custom engagement methods added to certificate, achievement and sections
- Corrected new user registration engagement bug
- LifterLMS access reduced from manage_options to edit_posts
- Filters added to analytics to allow custom development
- Engagement bug fix: Section and Lesson bug select
- Syllabus bug corrected: No longer displays lessons in section box if no sections exist.
- Removed depreciated achievement template
- Membership Bug fix: Membership restriction will now only display on single posts.
Ajax Quiz and Quiz Timer
v1.2.2 - 2015-02-23
- Corrected drip content bug
- Added Ajax functionality to quiz
- rounded quiz grades
- Added quiz time limit setting to Quiz
- Added quiz timer to quiz, front end
- Quiz allowed attempts field now allows unlimited attempts
- Set Ajax lesson delete method to not return empty lesson value
- Set next and previous questions to display below quiz question
- Decoupled Single option select question type from quiz to allow for more question types
- Added Quiz time limit to display on Quiz page
- Added functionality to automatically complete quiz when quiz timer reaches 0
- Moved Quiz functionality methods from front end forms class to Quiz class
Analytics Baby!
v1.2.0 - 2015-02-17
- Admin Course Analytics Dashboard Page. View at LifterLMS->Analytics->Course
- Admin Sales Analytics Dashboard Page. View at LifterLMS->Analytics->Sales
- Admin Memberships Analytics Dashboard Page. View at LifterLMS->Analytics->Memberships
- Admin Students Search Page. View at LifterLMS->Students
- Admin Student Profile Page ( View user information related to courses and memberships )
- Lesson and Course Sidebar Widgets ( Syllabus, Course Progress )
- Course Syllabus: Lesson blocks greyed out. Clicking lesson displays message to take course.
- Misc. Front end bug fixes
- Misc. Admin bug fixes
- Course and Lesson prerequisites: Can no longer select a prerequisite without marking "Has Prerequisite"
- Admin CSS updates
- Better Session Management
- Number and Date formatting handled by seperate classes to provide consistant date formats across system
- Zero dollar coupon management: Coupons that set total to 0 will bypass payment gateway, generate order and enroll users.
- Better coupon verification.
- Better third party payment gateway support. Third party gateway plugins are now easier to develop and integrate.
- User Registration: Phone Number Registration field option now available in Accounts settings page.
Sidebar bug fix
v1.1.2 - 2014-12-18
- Moved Sidebar registration from plugin install to init
ML support, course and lesson sidebars
- Added user registration settings to require users to agree to Terms and Conditions on user registration
- Added comments to all classes methods and functions
- Removed unused and depreciated methods
- Added Lesson and Course Sidebar Widget Areas
- Fixed bug with course capacity option
- Fixed bug with endpoint rewrite
- Added localization POT file and us_EN.po translation file
Quizzes - v1.1.0
- Updated HTML / CSS on Registration form
- Added Coupon Creation
- Added Coupon support for checkout processing
- Added Credit Card Support processing support
- Added Form filters for external integration
- Added Form templates for external integration
- Added Account Setting: Require First and Last Name on registration
- Added Account Setting: Require Billing Address on registration
- Added Account Setting: Require users to validate email address (double entry)
- Added password validation (double entry) on user registration / account creation
- Added Quiz Question post type and associated metaboxes
- Added Quiz post type and associated metaboxes
- Added ability to assign a quiz to a lesson
- Added front end quiz functionality
- Added Course capacity (limit # of students)
User Admin Table
- Added Membership Custom Column that displays user's membership information
- Added "Last Login" custom column that displays user's last login date/time
User Roles
- Updated user role from "person" to "student"
- Added temporary migration function to transition any register users with "person" role to "student" role
- Added "Student" role install function
- BuddyPress Screen Permission Fix
- Added two additional screens to BuddyPress: Certificates and Achievements
- Added llms options for course archive pagination and added course archive page pagination template
- Added user statisticc shortcode
Course Management Update - v1.0.5
- Fixed a mis-placed parenthesis in templates/course/lesson-navigation.php related to outputting excerpt in navigation option
- Changed theme override template directory from /llms to /lifterlms
- Update the positiong & name of the "My Courses" Menu in BuddyPress Compatibility file
- New meta_key _parent_section added for easier connection and quicker queries.
- Section sorting on course syllabus
- Edit links added to course syllabus
- Assign section to course and view associated lessons metabox added to sections
- Assign lesson to section and view associated lessons metabox added to lessons
- Assigned Course, Assigned Section, Prerequisite and Membership Required added to lesson edit grid
- Assigned Course added to section edit grid'
- New membership setting: Restrict Entire Site by Membership Level (allows site restriction to everything but membership purchase and account).
- Updated template overriding to check child & parent themes
- Updated template overriding to apply filters to directories to check for overrides to allow themes and plugins to add their own directories
- minor css updates for better theme compatibility
Launch Day Release - v1.0.0
js change