Releases: gocodebox/lifterlms
Releases · gocodebox/lifterlms
v1.3.7; bug fixes and updates
v1.3.7 - 2015/09/25
- Updates: Adds Spanish translation
- Updates: Adds new filter 'lifterlms_single_payment_text' to customize single payment string on checkout
- Updates: Student analytics now indicate which courses a student has completed
- BugFixes: Resolved security issue with WordPress searches and lessons
- BugFixes: Fixes analytics bug that potentially arises after a course is deleted
v1.3.6; bug fixes and updates
v1.3.6 - 2015/09/18
- BugFixes: Fixes pesky Zend Error that plagued some unfortunate victims
- BugFixes: Students can now be properly deleted from the course
- BugFixes: Fixes random class redeclaration error messages
- Updates: Adds new filter 'lifterlms_quiz_passed' to customize 'Passed' text after quiz
- Updates: Adds new filter 'lifterlms_quiz_failed' to customize 'Failed' text after quiz
v1.3.4; bugfixes
v1.3.4 - 2015/09/04
- BugFixes: Fixes bug with featured image on course page
- BugFixes: Fixes issue with lesson completed percentage on analytics page
v1.3.3; updates and course track prerequisite
v1.3.3 - 2015/09/01
- Updates: Removes depricated plugin updater
- Updates: Adds Course Track prerequisite
- Updates: Various text fixes
- BugFixes: Fixes lesson name on prerequisite notification
- BugFixes: Fixes critical error with WordPress customizer
v1.3.0 - 2015/08/28
- Improved popopver behavior in course creation.
- BugFixnig. Prevent multiple lesson and section form submition
- Fixed typos at backend quiz page
- Fixed check for update bug when plugin isn't properly activated.
- BugFixing, quiz post type should show author metabox
- Added course category filter to lifter_lms shortcode
- BugFixing, typo in [lifterlms_course_progess shortcode]
- BugFixing, Analytics shouldn't fetch students meta info from users were deleted.
- Adds in basic review functionality
- Updates plugin-updater to remedy PHP conflicts
- Fixes date bug in Analytics
- Cleans up jQuery console messages
- Adds in course tracks
Metabox update
v1.2.7 - 2015-06-05
- Minor bug fix with lesson redirect to quiz
- Minor change to global Course object instantiation.
- Bug Fix: Remove student from course
- Bug Fix: Appearance Menus missing select field (THANKS ANDREA!)
- New Course Setting: Hide Course Outline on course page
- New Shortcode: [lifterlms_course_outline] - displays course outline with settings (see documentation)
- Membership metabox design update
- Certificate metabox design update
- Achievement metabox design update
- Lesson metabox design update
- Emails metabox design update
- Coupons metabox design update
- Update to certificate design (better alignment and theme functionality)
- Better theme sidebar support
- More awesome control for devlopers building new settings for LifterLMS
- Advanced filter system for metabox fields with finite control for 3rd party developers.
- Woocommerce confict correction to archive templates
- Style updates to allow themes better control on design
Minor Bug Fixes
v1.2.6 - 2015-04-28
- Corrected issue with lesson re-order on save
- corrected html formatting issue on purchase page
- corrected html formatting issue on course page
Minor Bug Fixes
v1.2.5 - 2015-04-22
- Corrected excerpt to not pull in lesson navigation
- Modified metabox api for better extension integration
- Corrected issue with order not displaying all information if coupon was not applied to order