Easy clojure asset bundling
Add this to your deps.edn
coast-framework/db {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}
Create an assets.edn
file in the resources
directory that looks something like this:
{"bundle.css" ["tachyons.min.css" "app.css"]
"bundle.js" ["app.js"]})
You can have as many "bundles" as you want and you can name them anything. Ensure that your css files go into the resources/public/css
directory and the js files go into the resources/public/js
You can reference your bundles with some clojure code like below, but it's entirely up to you
(ns your-proj
(:require [assets.core :as assets]))
(defn css
([req bundle opts]
(let [files (assets/bundle "dev" bundle)]
(for [href files]
[:link (merge {:href href :type "text/css" :rel "stylesheet"} opts)])))
([req bundle]
(css nil bundle {}))
(css nil bundle)))
(defn js
([req bundle opts]
(let [files (assets/bundle "dev" bundle)]
(for [src files]
[:script (merge {:src src :type "application/javascript"} opts)])))
([req bundle]
(js nil bundle {}))
(js nil bundle)))
When the bundle
fn is called, the assets.edn
file is read or if you pass "prod"
as the first argument to bundle
, the assets.minified.edn
file is read.
You can generate the assets.minified.edn
file by calling something like the following code:
(let [m (-> (io/resource "assets.edn")
(pprint-write "resources/assets.minified.edn" (build m)))
If this seems kind of weird and half-baked, it kind of is, this library was built to be used with coast and it hasn't been fully separated out yet. PRs welcome!
make test