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File metadata and controls

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Easy clojure asset bundling



Add this to your deps.edn

coast-framework/db {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}


Create an assets.edn file in the resources directory that looks something like this:

{"bundle.css" ["tachyons.min.css" "app.css"]
 "bundle.js"  ["app.js"]})

You can have as many "bundles" as you want and you can name them anything. Ensure that your css files go into the resources/public/css directory and the js files go into the resources/public/js directory.

You can reference your bundles with some clojure code like below, but it's entirely up to you

(ns your-proj
  (:require [assets.core :as assets]))

(defn css
  ([req bundle opts]
   (let [files (assets/bundle "dev" bundle)]
     (for [href files]
       [:link (merge {:href href :type "text/css" :rel "stylesheet"} opts)])))
  ([req bundle]
   (css nil bundle {}))
   (css nil bundle)))

(defn js
  ([req bundle opts]
   (let [files (assets/bundle "dev" bundle)]
     (for [src files]
      [:script (merge {:src src :type "application/javascript"} opts)])))
  ([req bundle]
   (js nil bundle {}))
   (js nil bundle)))

When the bundle fn is called, the assets.edn file is read or if you pass "prod" as the first argument to bundle, the assets.minified.edn file is read.

You can generate the assets.minified.edn file by calling something like the following code:

(let [m (-> (io/resource "assets.edn")
    (pprint-write "resources/assets.minified.edn" (build m)))

If this seems kind of weird and half-baked, it kind of is, this library was built to be used with coast and it hasn't been fully separated out yet. PRs welcome!

Running the tests

make test