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Patrick Thoral edited this page Apr 27, 2022 · 2 revisions

procedureorderitems table

The procedureorderitems table contains all orders for procedures and tasks, such drawing blood, perfforminroutine ICU nursing care and scoring. Please note that many of these tasks will lead to a result or observation, that can be found in the freetextitems, listitems or numericitems tables, depending on the type of documentation required. All items have an associated admissionid from the admissions table.


Name Type Description
admissionid integer links the items with the admissionid in the admissions table
orderid integer unique number identifiying this order
ordercategoryid integer id of procedure category
ordercategoryname string name of procedure category
itemid integer id of procedure name
item string procedure name
registeredat integer time the result was stored in the database, expressed as milliseconds since the first ICU admission.
registeredby string user group that entered the result, e.g. nurses, physicians, etc.