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zyl910's ATL String Conversion Utils (ATL字符串转换辅助) .


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zlatlcv is a lightweight C++ library.

Features (特性):

  • Conversion of UTF-8 string and char/wchat_t/TCHAR string (支持 UTF-8字符串 与 窄字符串、宽字符串、TCHAR字符串 的相互转换).

Usage (用法)

Example (范例)

Add src/``*.* to you project (将 src/``*.* 加入到您的项目).

Example code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <tchar.h>

#include "zlatlcv.h"

// "Welcome": English, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean.
const char* psa = "A_Welcome_歡迎_ようこそ_환영.";	//!< UTF-8 string( Auto. File used UTF-8 encoding).
const wchar_t* psw = L"W_Welcome_\u6B61\u8FCE_\u3088\u3046\u3053\u305D_\uD658\uC601.";	//!< Wide char string.

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	// init.
	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");	// 使用客户环境的缺省locale.

	// title.
	_tprintf(_T("zlatlcv v1.0 (%dbit)\n"), (int)(8*sizeof(int*)));
	_tprintf(_T("sizeof(wchar_t): %d\n"), (int)(sizeof(wchar_t)));
	_tprintf(_T("sizeof(TCHAR): %d\n"), (int)(sizeof(TCHAR)));

	// printf.
	printf("printf A:\t%s\n", psa);
	printf("printf W:\t%ls\n", psw);

	// UTF-8 to string (UTF-8 转 各种字符串).
	//CA2AZ psaa(psa, CP_UTF8, 0);
	CU82A psaa(psa);
	CU82W psaw(psa);
	printf("printf A from UTF-8:\t%s\n", psaa);
	printf("printf W from UTF-8:\t%ls\n", psaw);

	// string to UTF-8 (各种字符串 转 UTF-8).
	CA2U8 psau8(psaa);
	CW2U8 pswu8(psaw);
	printf("printf UTF-8 from A:\t%s\n", psau8);
	printf("printf UTF-8 from W:\t%s\n", pswu8);

	// _tprintf.
	CA2CT psat(psa);
	CW2CT pswt(psw);
	CU82T psu8t(psa);
	_tprintf(_T("_tprintf A:\t%s\n"), psat);
	_tprintf(_T("_tprintf W:\t%s\n"), pswt);
	_tprintf(_T("_tprintf U8:\t%s\n"), psu8t);

	return 0;

Quick reference (快速参考)

The names of the conversion macros take the form (转换宏的命名规则):

  • <SourceType>/<DestinationType>: A(char), W(wchar_t), T(TCHAR), U8(UTF-8),
  • [C] is present when the destination type must be constant.
  • [EX] is present when the initial size of the buffer must be specified as a template argument.

Commonly used conversion Macros (常用转换宏):

  • CU82A: Convert UTF-8 string to narrow string (将 UTF-8字符串 转为 窄字符串).
  • CA2U8: Convert narrow string to UTF-8 string (将 窄字符串 转为 UTF-8字符串).
  • CU82W: Convert UTF-8 string to wide string (将 UTF-8字符串 转为 宽字符串).
  • CW2U8: Convert wide string to UTF-8 string (将 宽字符串 转为 UTF-8字符串).
  • CU82T: Convert UTF-8 string to TCHAR string (将 UTF-8字符串 转为 TCHAR字符串).
  • CT2U8: Convert TCHAR string to UTF-8 string (将 TCHAR字符串 转为 UTF-8字符串).

Low level conversion Classes (底层支撑类):

  • CA2AEXZ: Convert source encoding string to destination encoding string (将源编码字符串转为目标编码字符串), with t_nBufferLength template param.
  • CU82AEX: Convert UTF-8 string to narrow string (将 UTF-8字符串 转为 窄字符串), with t_nBufferLength template param.
  • CA2U8EX: Convert narrow string to UTF-8 string (将 窄字符串 转为 UTF-8字符串), with t_nBufferLength template param.
  • CU82WEX: Convert UTF-8 string to wide string (将 UTF-8字符串 转为 宽字符串), with t_nBufferLength template param.
  • CW2U8EX: Convert wide string to UTF-8 string (将 宽字符串 转为 UTF-8字符串), with t_nBufferLength template param.

Documentation (文档)

You can generate documentation with doxygen (您可以用doxygen生成文档).

Use doxywizard to open *.doxygen file (使用doxywizard打开 *.doxygen).

  • zlatlcv_doc.doxygen: Generates documentation from interface files (生成接口的文档) .
  • zlatlcv_docfull.doxygen: Generates documentation from interface & implement and example files (生成接口、实现、示例等内容的详细文档).

You may need change INCLUDE_PATH in *.doxyfile with the actual location (您可能需要在 *.doxygen 中调整INCLUDE_PATH为实际路径).

Tested compiler (测试过的编译器)

  • Virtual C++: 7.1(2003), 8(2005), 9(2008), 10(2010), 11(2012), 12(2013).

Change history (变更日志)

[2015-07-23] v1.0:

  • Release v1.0 (发布1.0版).


zyl910's ATL String Conversion Utils (ATL字符串转换辅助) .







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