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first sketch of DM computation
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pfebrer committed Jun 17, 2022
1 parent a205eb8 commit a51c6d2
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Showing 3 changed files with 304 additions and 2 deletions.
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ def run(self):
"sisl._supercell": {},
"sisl.physics._bloch": {},
"sisl.physics._compute_dm": {},
"sisl.physics._phase": {},
"sisl.physics._matrix_utils": {},
"sisl.physics._matrix_k": {},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,12 +220,22 @@ def run(self):
# List of extensions for setup(...)
extensions = []
for name, data in ext_cython.items():
file_suffix = suffix
# Create pyx-file name
# Default to module name + .pyx
pyxfile = data.get("pyxfile", f"{name}.pyx").replace(".", os.path.sep)
pyxfile = f"{data.get('pyxfile', name).replace('.', os.path.sep)}.pyx"
file_no_suffix = pyxfile[:-4]
# If a pyx file does not exist, look for a pure python file
if not os.path.isfile(pyxfile):
pyfile = f"{data.get('pyxfile', name).replace('.', os.path.sep)}.py"
if os.path.isfile(pyfile):
file_no_suffix = pyfile[:-3]
if suffix == ".pyx":
file_suffix = ".py"

sources=[f"{pyxfile[:-4]}{suffix}"] + data.get("sources", []),
sources=[f"{file_no_suffix}{file_suffix}"] + data.get("sources", []),
depends=data.get("depends", []),
include_dirs=data.get("include", []),
language=data.get("language", "c"),
Expand Down
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions sisl/physics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
"""This file implements the cython functions that help building the DM efficiently."""

import cython

complex_or_float = cython.fused_type(cython.complex, cython.floating)

def add_cnc_diag_spin(state: complex_or_float[:, :], row_orbs:[:], col_orbs_uc:[:],
occs: cython.floating[:], DM_kpoint: complex_or_float[:], occtol: float = 1e-9):
"""Adds the cnc contributions of all orbital pairs to the DM given a array of states.
To be used for the case of diagonal spins (unpolarized or polarized spin.)
The coefficients of all eigenstates for this contribution.
Array of shape (n_eigenstates, n_basisorbitals)
The orbital row indices of the sparsity pattern.
Shape (nnz, ), where nnz is the number of nonzero elements in the sparsity pattern.
The orbital col indices of the sparsity pattern, but converted to the unit cell.
Shape (nnz, ), where nnz is the number of nonzero elements in the sparsity pattern.
Array with the occupations for each eigenstate. Shape (n_eigenstates, )
Array where contributions should be stored.
Shape (nnz, ), where nnz is the number of nonzero elements in the sparsity pattern.
Threshold below which the contribution of a state is not even added to the
# The wavefunction (i) and orbital (u, v) indices

# Loop lengths
n_wfs: = state.shape[0]
n_opairs: = row_orbs.shape[0]

# Variable to store the occupation of each state
occ: float

# Loop through all eigenstates
for i in range(n_wfs):
# Find the occupation for this eigenstate
occ = occs[i]
# If the occupation is lower than the tolerance, skip the state
if occ < occtol:

# The occupation is above the tolerance threshold, loop through all overlaping orbital pairs
for ipair in range(n_opairs):
# Get the orbital indices of this pair
u = row_orbs[ipair]
v = col_orbs_uc[ipair]
# Add the contribution of this eigenstate to the DM_{u,v} element
DM_kpoint[ipair] = DM_kpoint[ipair] + state[i, u] * occ * state[i, v].conjugate()

def add_cnc_nc(state: cython.complex[:, :, :], row_orbs:[:], col_orbs_uc:[:],
occs: cython.floating[:], DM_kpoint: cython.complex[:, :, :], occtol: float = 1e-9):
"""Adds the cnc contributions of all orbital pairs to the DM given a array of states.
To be used for the case of non-diagonal spins (non-colinear or spin orbit).
The coefficients of all eigenstates for this contribution.
Array of shape (n_eigenstates, n_basisorbitals, 2), where the last dimension is the spin
"up"/"down" dimension.
The orbital row indices of the sparsity pattern.
Shape (nnz, ), where nnz is the number of nonzero elements in the sparsity pattern.
The orbital col indices of the sparsity pattern, but converted to the unit cell.
Shape (nnz, ), where nnz is the number of nonzero elements in the sparsity pattern.
Array with the occupations for each eigenstate. Shape (n_eigenstates, )
Array where contributions should be stored.
Shape (nnz, 2, 2), where nnz is the number of nonzero elements in the sparsity pattern
and the 2nd and 3rd dimensions account for the 2x2 spin box.
Threshold below which the contribution of a state is not even added to the
# The wavefunction (i) and orbital (u, v) indices
# The spin box indices.

# Loop lengths
n_wfs: = state.shape[0]
n_opairs: = row_orbs.shape[0]

# Variable to store the occupation of each state
occ: float

# Loop through all eigenstates
for i in range(n_wfs):
# Find the occupation for this eigenstate
occ = occs[i]
# If the occupation is lower than the tolerance, skip the state
if occ < occtol:

# The occupation is above the tolerance threshold, loop through all overlaping orbital pairs
for ipair in range(n_opairs):
# Get the orbital indices of this pair
u = row_orbs[ipair]
v = col_orbs_uc[ipair]

# Add to spin box
for Di in range(2):
for Dj in range(2):
DM_kpoint[ipair, Di, Dj] = DM_kpoint[ipair, Di, Dj] + state[i, u, Di] * occ * state[i, v, Dj].conjugate()
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions sisl/physics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
import numpy as np
import tqdm
from typing import Callable, Optional

from sisl import BrillouinZone, DensityMatrix, get_distribution, unit_convert
from ._compute_dm import add_cnc_diag_spin, add_cnc_nc

def compute_dm(bz: BrillouinZone, occ_distribution: Optional[Callable] = None,
occtol: float = 1e-9, fermi_dirac_T: float = 300., eta: bool = True):
"""Computes the DM from the eigenstates of a Hamiltonian along a BZ.
bz: BrillouinZone
The brillouin zone object containing the Hamiltonian of the system
and the k-points to be sampled.
occ_distribution: function, optional
The distribution that will determine the occupations of states. It will
receive an array of energies (in eV, referenced to fermi level) and it should
return an array of floats.
If not provided, a fermi_dirac distribution will be considered, being the
fermi_dirac_T parameter the electronic temperature.
occtol: float, optional
Threshold below which the contribution of a state is not even added to the
fermi_dirac_T: float, optional
If an occupation distribution is not provided, a fermi-dirac distribution centered
at the chemical potential is assumed. This argument controls the electronic temperature (in K).
eta: bool, optional
Whether a progress bar should be displayed or not.
# Get the hamiltonian
H = bz.parent

# Geometry
geom = H.geometry

# Sparsity pattern information
row_orbs, col_orbs = H.nonzero()
col_orbs_uc = H.osc2uc(col_orbs)
col_isc = col_orbs //
sc_offsets =

# Initialize the density matrix using the sparsity pattern of the Hamiltonian.
last_dim = H.dim
S = None
if not H.orthogonal:
last_dim -= 1
S = H.tocsr(dim=last_dim)
DM = DensityMatrix.fromsp(geom, [H.tocsr(dim=idim) for idim in range(last_dim)], S=S)
# Keep a reference to its data array so that we can have
# direct access to it (instead of through orbital indexing).
vals =
# And set all values to 0
if DM.orthogonal:
vals[:, :] = 0
# Don't touch the overlap values
vals[:, :-1] = 0

# For spin polarized calculations, we need to iterate over the two spin components.
# If spin is unpolarized, we will multiply the contributions by 2.
if DM.spin.is_polarized:
spin_iterator = (0, 1)
spin_factor = 1
spin_iterator = (0,)
spin_factor = 2

# Set the distribution that will compute occupations (or more generally, weights)
# for eigenstates. If not provided, use a fermi-dirac
if occ_distribution is None:
kT = unit_convert("K", "eV") * fermi_dirac_T
occ_distribution = get_distribution("fermi_dirac", smearing=kT, x0=0)

# Loop over spins
for ispin in spin_iterator:
# Create the eigenstates generator
eigenstates = bz.apply.eigenstate(spin=ispin)

# Zip it with the weights so that we can scale the contribution of each k point.
k_it = zip(bz.weight, eigenstates)
# Provide progress bar if requested
if eta:
k_it = tqdm.tqdm(k_it, total=len(bz.weight))

# Now, loop through all k points
for k_weight, k_eigs in k_it:
# Get the k point for which this state has been calculated (in fractional coordinates)
k =['k']
# Convert the k points to 1/Ang
k =

# Ensure R gauge so that we can use supercell phases. Much faster and less memory requirements
# than using the r gauge, because we just have to compute the phase one time for each sc index.

# Calculate all phases, this will be a (nnz, ) shaped array.
sc_phases = np.exp(-1j *
phases = sc_phases[col_isc]

# Now find out the occupations for each wavefunction
occs = k_eigs.occupation(occ_distribution)

state = k_eigs.state

if DM.spin.is_diagonal:
# Calculate the matrix elements contributions for this k point.
DM_kpoint = np.zeros(row_orbs.shape[0], dtype=k_eigs.state.dtype)
add_cnc_diag_spin(state, row_orbs, col_orbs_uc, occs, DM_kpoint, occtol=occtol)

# Apply phases
DM_kpoint = DM_kpoint * phases

# Take only the real part, weighting the contribution
vals[:, ispin] += k_weight * DM_kpoint.real * spin_factor

# Non colinear eigenstates contain an array of coefficients
# of shape (n_wfs, no * 2), where n_wfs is also no * 2.
# However, we only have "no" basis orbitals. The extra factor of 2 accounts for a hidden dimension
# corresponding to spin "up"/"down". We reshape the array to uncover this extra dimension.
state = state.reshape(-1, state.shape[1] // 2, 2)

# Calculate the matrix elements contributions for this k point. For each matrix element
# we allocate a 2x2 spin box.
DM_kpoint = np.zeros((row_orbs.shape[0], 2, 2), dtype=np.complex128)
add_cnc_nc(state, row_orbs, col_orbs_uc, occs, DM_kpoint, occtol=occtol)

# Apply phases
DM_kpoint *= phases.reshape(-1, 1, 1)

# Now, each matrix element is a 2x2 spin box of complex numbers. That is, 4 complex numbers
# i.e. 8 real numbers. What we do is to store these 8 real numbers separately in the DM.
# However, in the non-colinear case (no spin orbit), since H is spin box hermitian we can force
# the DM to also be spin-box hermitian. This means that DM[:, 0, 1] and DM[:, 1, 0] are complex
# conjugates and we can store only 4 numbers while keeping the same information.
# Here is how the spin-box can be reconstructed from the stored values:
# D[j, i] =
# [[ D[j, i, 0], D[j, i, 2] -i D[j, i, 3] ],
# [ D[j, i, 2] + i D[j, i, 3], D[j, i, 1] ]]
# [[ D[j, i, 0], D[j, i, 6] + i D[j, i, 7]],
# [ D[j, i, 2] -i D[j, i, 3], D[j, i, 1] ]]

# Force DM spin-box to be hermitian in the non-colinear case.
if DM.spin.is_noncolinear:
DM_kpoint[:, 1, 0] = 0.5 * (DM_kpoint[:, 1, 0] + DM_kpoint[:, 0, 1].conj())

# Add each contribution to its location
vals[:, 0] += DM_kpoint[:, 0, 0].real * k_weight
vals[:, 1] += DM_kpoint[:, 1, 1].real * k_weight
vals[:, 2] += DM_kpoint[:, 1, 0].real * k_weight
vals[:, 3] -= DM_kpoint[:, 1, 0].imag * k_weight

if DM.spin.is_spinorbit:
vals[:, 4] -= DM_kpoint[:, 0, 0].imag * k_weight
vals[:, 5] -= DM_kpoint[:, 1, 1].imag * k_weight
vals[:, 6] += DM_kpoint[:, 0, 1].real * k_weight
vals[:, 7] -= DM_kpoint[:, 0, 1].imag * k_weight

return DM

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