Opera & Edge for shared.browser, click_by_js and decorating hook for all waits to log commands
NEW: added "opera" and "edge" support for shared browser
from selene.support.shared import browser # browser.config.browser_name = 'opera' browser.config.browser_name = 'edge'
NEW: added config._wait_decorator
- decorating Wait#for_ method
- that is used when performing any element command
and assertion (i.e. should) - hence, can be used to log corresponding commands with waits
and integrate with something like allure reporting;)
- that is used when performing any element command
- prefixed with underscore, indicating that method is experimental,
and can be e.g. renamed, etc. - see example at examples/log_all_selene_commands_with_wait.py
- decorating Wait#for_ method
NEW: added config.click_by_js #420
for usage like in:
from selene.support.shared import browser # browser.config.click_by_js = True # ''' # if we would want to make all selene clicks to work via JS # as part of some CRAZY workaround, or maybe to make tester faster o_O :p # (it was a joke, nothing will be much faster :D with click via js) # ''' button = browser.element('#btn').with_(click_by_js=True) ''' to make all clicks for element('#btn') to work via js as part of some workaround ;) ''' button.click() ... button.click()