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remove popularity badge #11

remove popularity badge

remove popularity badge #11

Workflow file for this run

name: Widgetbook Cloud Hosting
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup flutter
uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
channel: stable
- name: Bootstrap App
run: |
flutter pub get
# Add any other steps needed to make your
# app widgets available for Widgetbook
- name: Build Widgetbook
working-directory: examples/coffee_maker_navigator_2/widgetbook
run: |
flutter pub get
dart run build_runner build -d
flutter build web -t lib/main.dart
- name: Install Widgetbook CLI
run: dart pub global activate widgetbook_cli
- name: Push Widgetbook Build
working-directory: examples/coffee_maker_navigator_2/widgetbook
run: widgetbook cloud build push --api-key ${{ secrets.WIDGETBOOK_API_KEY }}