This is a clean custom WordPress starter theme developed for building modern and fully customizable WordPress websites from scratch. It includes a clean structure, essential files, and integrations to kickstart your development process.
- Fully integrated with Timber v2.3.0: Use the power of Twig templating engine to build your WordPress theme.
- Custom Structure: Organized into
, andviews
directories for better maintainability. - Composer Integration: Manage dependencies with Composer (
included). - Prepros Config: Ready for use with Prepros for compiling assets.
- Custom Templates: Includes default WordPress template files (
, etc.). - Modern Design Preview: Includes a
for WordPress theme preview.
├── .gitignore
├── 404.php
├── archive.php
├── author.php
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── footer.php
├── functions.php
├── header.php
├── index.php
├── page.php
├── prepros.config
├── screenshot.webp
├── search.php
├── single.php
├── style.css
├── assets/ # Assets like CSS, JS, and images
├── core/ # Core theme functionalities
├── views/ # Twig template parts
- Header fields options
- Footer fields options
- Cookies popup
- Favorite colors
- WEBP image converter & big images resizer
- Timber HTML cache
- HTML minify
- Mail logging post type
- SMTP settings
- Header & Footer html code editor
- Maintenance mode feature
- Custom Gutenberg blocks: easy to add new ACF blocks and block categories with custom fields and twig templates
- Custom options framework with different field types allows to create custom options pages and fields
- Disable all updates feature
- Disable customizer feature
- Disable src set feature
- Remove default image sizes feature
- Disable core privacy tools feature
- CYR3LAT feature (transliteration of cyrillic characters in slugs and filenames)
- Disable DNS prefetch feature
- Disable Rest API for anonymous users feature
- Disable WordPress Emojis feature
- Disable Embeds feature
- Disable default dashboard widgets feature
- Hide admin top bar for all users on front-end feature
- Disable default WordPress admin email verification feature
- Disable comments feature for all post types
- Delete child media files on parent post delete feature
- Hide ACF from menu feature
- Disable Gutenberg editor everywhere feature
- Disable Gutenberg editor for Blog posts feature
- Google maps API key option (for ACF)
- Lorem ipsum posts generator tool
- and more, and more...
- PHP 8.0 or higher.
- WordPress 6.7 or higher.
- Advanced Custom Fields Pro
- Composer
- Prepros (to compile css and js files)
- Open
to configure theme-specific settings. - Modify files under
for template parts and layouts. - Use the
directory to manage your CSS, JavaScript, and images. - Replace
with your custom theme preview image. - And remember: Code is Poetry.
This theme is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 or later. You are free to modify and redistribute this theme as long as you comply with the GPL.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request with improvements or bug fixes.
Author: Vitalii Kaplia