🎉 This package supports deploying to single page applications. When I built a frontend application with Reactjs it was complicated to be able to deploy to siasky without having to add a piece of code to deploy. Furthermore, after building production for the application using Reactjs, there was a path problem. For example After building, the path in href or src will be '/static/js/...' or '/logo.png', so after deploying to skynet there will be an error that cannot fetch because of the wrong path. That's why this package was born.
The future will have more support like Uploading A File and Uploading With Encryption
After deploying to skynet completed there will have option whether you want to use the handshake domain. If so, just fill in some more information to deploy.
Now is available : https://www.npmjs.com/package/siaskyhost
MUST use image in code from another public server. For example : imgur
// install global
npm i -g siaskyhost
// install locally
yarn add siaskyhost
// if you install global
// if you install local
yarn siasky
A demo is worth a thousand words