This web application calculates the driving performance of electric vehicle conversions. You simply choose your car, an elctric motor, and a battery from databases included and click calculate. It than graphs the performance in different gears and gives you more result values for the quarter mile.
This single site web application was written in PHP, Javascript, Html and Css It uses the frameworks and tools Bootstrap, jquery-1.3.2, phplot-6.2.0, flot-0.8.3, MooTools-1.6.0,
- (Install and then) Open Wampserver
- Create PHPmyadmin account and import .sql- files from folder /databases (login information see db.php)
- Download a clone and save to C:/wamp64/www/evwizard/
- Open Browser and type in http://localhost/evwizard/index.php
This opens the web app with full functionality of the calculator.