Statistics: theory, examples and exercises Table of contents 1 - Introduction 1.0 Terminology and basic concepts 2 - Descriptive Statistics 2.1 - Measures of Central Tendency 2.1.1 - Mean 2.1.2 - Median 2.1.3 - Midrange 2.1.4 - Mode 2.2 - Measures of Shape 2.2.1 - Skewness 2.2.2 - Kurtosis 2.3 - Measures of Dispersion 2.3.1 - Measures of Dispersion - Intro 2.3.2 - Sample vs Population 2.3.3 - Range 2.3.4 - Variance 2.3.5 - Standard Deviation 2.3.6 - Scaling and shifting 3 - Probability 3.1 - Introduction to Probability 3.2 - Set Operations 3.3 - (Some) Rules of Probability