Here I designed and developed college management system. The technology I have used is Java Swing and for the database I use mysql. Thanks !!!
- Cources Management
- Subjects Management
- Library Management
- Fee Management
- Faculty Management
- Students Management
In case the user forgets the password then he/she have to click on forgetpassword button..From which they are redirected to the forget password panel where they they have to enter their email id which they have used during the signup process. After entering the email a 6 digit code will be send to their email id. After entering the otp they will be redirected to the reset panel where they can reset their password!!!!
- Import this project into your IDE
- Create new Database and set name as 'cms' after that import 'cms.sql' file (Attached with this folder) in this database.
- I have used following 👇 data for database connection
- url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/Cms";
/*default mysql port number is 3306 but in my case mysql uses 3307 port.. */ - user name="root";
- password="enter your mysql passowrd.";
- Start Database Server
- Open "src\cms\login\" Run this file
- Admin userid : vaibhav
- Admin password : hi
My name is Vaibhav Tomar. I'm studying BCA (Final year) in GSSIPU(Delhi). Contact me for any improvement in this project.
Email : [email protected]