It is recommended to open "Gholamzadeh_Code.ipynb" and then run cells in order.
At the final cell, you can simply change settings:
kwargs = {'env_name': 'ma_gym:Switch2-v1', 'lr': 0.0005, 'batch_size': 32, 'gamma': 0.99, 'buffer_limit': 50000, 'log_interval': 20, 'max_episodes': 200, 'max_epsilon': 0.9, 'min_epsilon': 0.1, 'test_episodes': 5, 'warm_up_steps': 2000, 'update_iter': 10, 'monitor': False}
And at the end you can see results in the following link:
If you want to run code in your local machine, clone the repository first and then open ""
then run following code:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And finally run the code.