A small snippit that creates a button to hide the channel list on Discord
- Download channelcollapsebutton.plugin.js
- Put it in your plugins directory (Just open it from the client, can vary between indivudla users).
- Restart BetterDiscord
- Go into your discord client settings and enable developer mode.
- This can be accessed under the Appearance area.
- Open the developer console.
- This can vary depending on your OS and keyboard. It would be the same way you open the developer tools in Chrome or FireFox.
- The window will look something like this
- Paste in the code from main.js into the Console tab
- Press enter
- Enjoy the newly added feature
- Document ALL code contributions
- Anything undocumented will be ignored until full documentation is provided
- TEST your code first. Do not blindly contribute.
- Do NOT do a pull request into master, do it on dev instead.
- Your pull requests will be merged into master at each itteration if accepted.