- Handles caching in IndexedDb.
- To use you have to define your Dexie db(s) and endpoints in your app.
- Ability to cache in your app's specific db:
- Ability to cache in a db that is shared between etools apps and holds the data that is common to all these apps:
Example of defining the window.EtoolsRequestCacheDb
var appDexieDb = new Dexie('[insert name]');
countries: "id, name"
listsExpireMapTable: "&name, expire",
ajaxDefaultDataTable: "&cacheKey, data, expire"
window.EtoolsRequestCacheDb = appDexieDb;
Example of defining the window.EtoolsSharedDb
var sharedDexieDb = new Dexie('EtoolsSharedDb');
collections: "&cacheKey, data, expire"
window.EtoolsSharedDb = sharedDexieDb;
In your app you will configure your cacheable endpoints:
const endpoints = {
url: 'your/api/route',
exp: 300000, // if exp = 0 no caching will be made
cachingKey: 'stringIdentifier'
url: 'your/api/route',
exp: 300000, // if exp is missing no caching will be made
sharedDbCachingKey: 'stringIdentifier'
url: 'your/api/route',
exp: 300000, // milliseconds expected
cacheTableName: 'stringIdentifier'
To mark an endpoint as cacheable you have to set the exp
property and one of cachingKey
, cacheTableName
or sharedDbCachingKey
. If just exp
property is provided, cachingKey
will automatically be set to the url of the endpoint.
Set the cachingKey
property if you want to cache the endpoint response in the default table ajaxDefaultDataTable
and 'cachingKey' will be the row identifier used to retrieve the data.
The cached data will have the following format:
// cacheKey can have request params stringified in the end if params were provided in sendRequest options
cacheKey: '[provided cachingKey value]',
// Date.now() + endpoint.exp
expire: 1491306589975,
// request response data
data: [endpoint response]
Set the cacheTableName
property if you do not want to cache in the ajaxDefaultDataTable
table, but in a separate table with the provided name.
This is recommended if you need to do queries on this table later, like showing a list with pagination and filtering only on frontend side.
The expiration of the data in these tables is stored in the listsExpireMapTable
table, under the following format, with name
column being the row identifier:
name: '[provided cacheTableName value]',
// Date.now() + endpoint.exp
expire: 1491306589975
Set the sharedDbCachingKey
if you want to cache the data in the EtoolsSharedDb, in the default table called collections
and 'sharedDbCachingKey' will be the row identifier used to retrieve the data.
For info about Dexie.js databases check the documentation.
Just set this in your app: window.EtoolsRequestCacheDisabled = true
$ npm i --save @unicef-polymer/etools-dexie-caching
if (requestIsCacheable(method, endpoint)) {
return getFromCache(endpoint)
.catch(() => { // Data not found in cache or is expired
return `do http request...`
.then(response => cacheEndpointResponse(response, endpoint));
return `do http request...`; // When request is not cacheable, just do the http request
See etools-ajax component (https://github.com/unicef-polymer/etools-ajax) for an example.