My name is Trevor Morris aka @trovster.
I enjoy the “three ems”… music 🎶, movies 🍿 and mountain biking 🚵♂️.
I am a freelance full-stack web developer from the UK. That means I love writing HTML, CSS & JavaScript as well as PHP and MySQL.
I have over seventeen years of web development experience working for both small design agencies and large development companies. I am currently working at FindMyPub as the senior web developer.
I have a passion for everything web. I am fluent in both front- and back-end coding, as well as deployment and tooling.
I develop usable and accessible front-end interfaces using web standards, including semantic HTML, CSS for layout and visual design, and JavaScript for progressive user interface enhancements.
On the server side, I use PHP and MySQL, as well as theory in database design and security. I have used multiple frameworks including FuelPHP and CodeIgniter. All large projects are now built using Laravel, which I have been using for almost 10 years, since version 4.
I have built WordPress projects using modern architecture, including the Roots development tools, that allows for composer-managed dependencies build processes and continuous atomic deployments.
I have delved into the world of modern JavaScript, including NodeJS, ES2016, WebPack and VueJS. I have investigated JavaScript-based static site generators, deploying a custom Eleventy blog on Netlify. I have built component libraries using Fractal and making use of Tailwind CSS, deploying them using GitHub Actions.
I have also delved into the world of development operations (DevOps) including Docker, Amazon Web Services, Google App Engine Application Platform, Terraform. I have also used GitHub Actions and BitBucket Pipelines for continuous integration pipelines.