If you believe that you have found a vulnerability in AntiSamy, first please search the GitHut issues list (for both open and closed issues) to see if it has already been reported.
If it has not, then please contact Dave Wichers (dave.wichers at owasp.org) directly. Please do not report any suspected vulnerabilities via GitHub issues as we wish to keep our users secure while a patch is implemented and deployed. This is because if this is reported as a GitHub issue, it more or less is equivalent to dropping a 0-day on all applications using AntiSamy. Instead, we encourage responsible disclosure.
If you wish to be acknowledged for finding the vulnerability, then please follow this process. One of the project leaders will try to contact you within 1-2 business days.
If you eventually wish to have it published as a CVE, we will also work with you to ensure that you are given proper credit with MITRE and NIST. Even if you do not wish to report the vulnerability as a CVE, we will acknowledge you when we create a GitHub issue (once the issue is patched).
If possible, provide a working proof-of-concept or at least minimally describe how it can be exploited in sufficient details that the AntiSamy development team can understand what needs to be done to fix it.
These are the known CVEs reported for AntiSamy:
- AntiSamy CVE #1 - CVE-2016-10006: XSS Bypass in AntiSamy before v1.5.5 - https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2016-10006
- AntiSamy CVE #2 - CVE-2017-14735: XSS via HTML5 Entities in AntiSamy before v1.5.7 - https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2017-14735
- AntiSamy CVE #3 - CVE-2021-35043: XSS via HTML attributes using : as replacement for : character before v1.6.4 - https://www.cvedetails.com/cve/CVE-2021-35043