Checkout my portfolio at
Computational : C++ | C | Python | Matlab
ML : Tensorflow | keras | sklearn
FEM Pacakages : ParMooN | deal-ii (Basics)
Build & Version Control : Git | CMake
MLOps : Github Actions | DVC | Flask | Docker | Kubernetes | Jenkins
Meshing : Gmsh | Pointwise (Basics)
Reporting : LaTeX
Web Development : HTML5 | CSS3 | Javascript | p5.js
- FastVPINNs - A fast tensor-based variational physics informed Neural networks for complex geometries
- Page Rank Computation using MPI Page Rank computation using MPI on a distributed system
- Collective Communications Implementation Implementation of MPI Collective communications as shown in Thakur. Et al. 2005
GPU based Asynchronous contact tracing for infectious diseases
GPU Matrix Multiplication - Implementation of Matrix Multiplication routines between Shared and nonShared GPU memory
GPU-Cuda Codes A collection of some of my CUDA based codes for NVIDIA GPU's
Parallel Iterative Solvers for Sparse Matrices Iterative solvers for CSR matrix written using IntelMKL and openmp parallel routines
- Parallel Finite Element Solver for 1D problems - End to End 1D FEM solver with CSR Support and Visualisations
- ParMooN - I have made contribution to the inhouse FEM Package developed at Stars Lab IISc
- 2D Incompressible navier Stokes Solver - For Lid Driven Cavity problem using Pressure projection method
- CFD Codes - Collection of 1D and 2D Codes for Elliptic and Hyperbolic problems in CFD
A CI/CD based Web deployment of ML Classifier- Includes github actions, DVC, Flask web deployment(Heroku), Cookie Cutter template
MlOps-Teaching Repo - TA material for pytest,dvc,github actions
Distributed ML Training on AWS - Distributed ML training on AWS using Spark and Docker
Human Voice Classification - Voice classification using MFCC Values
Naive Bayes Classifier - for classification of news genre based on headlines
Covid prediction based on Symptoms- A very basic ML model for identifying covid result based on Symptoms
Captcha Image Prediction - Captcha Image prediction using the Image recognition techniques
Mini ML Projects - Collection of Small ML projects such as Breast Cancer Detection using NN, CreditCard Fraud Detection, KMeans Implementation, NBA Classification, Pain Classification based on Physiological Factors, LinearRegression-AirBNB, ML_MNIST, House Price Prediction
- Sentiment Analysis - sentiment analysis on news dataset
- Token Classification - Token classification on cyber security dataset
- RL for Lawn mover problem - Reinforcement learning for solving a Lawn mover Problem
- nQueens Problem - A Genetic Algorithm based nQueens Solver Live Demo
- Shakesperean Monkey - A demo problem for understanding Genetic Algorithm Live Demo (Credits: Daniel Shiffman-Coding Train)
- FlappyBird - A neuro Evolution trainning and implementation of Flappy bird NE Trainning Demo , Neural networn Input Visualisation
- pdf to h5p Converter - An online tool which converts pdf into the h5p format
- FootBall Links Stream - An online webpage which grabs all live soccer links
- Grading Emailer - A css Flex based automated email report generation tool
- Python Libraries - Collection of Teaching notebooks for Python libraries
- 2048 - 2048 game built using p5js
- Slider puzzle - Slider puzzle built using p5js
- CAF - A landing page for a Application (Design Credits : [email protected])
- ReaderWritter - Reader-Writter Codes in C
- job Scheduler - A simple job scheduler in C
- File Transfer Client using RPC - A simple file transfer client using RPC