All of unicode as first class citizens
This Friday I realized three things
- MscGen, Xù and MsGenny only allow a microscopic subset of unicode in naked entity names (
). Which sucks for the majority of humanity. - This is not necessary.
- While I don't control the MscGen specification, I do control that of MsGenny. Which means I can fix that.
So I fixed it. From this version on MsGenny treats all unicode characters as first class citizens. This means you no longer have to put non-alpha-numeric identifiers within quotes ("差出人"
) nor do you have to resort to using labels (sender: 差出人;
). Instead, you can write
差出人 -> 受信機: 信息;
to get
(Click the chart to open it in the interpreter)
List of all changes (mostly dependency updates): 1.0.7...1.1.0