We want to remove the default configurations in LSP.sublime-settings
and replace them by helper packages a la SublimeLinter.
The following default configurations are DEPRECATED and WILL BE REMOVED
in a future release:
- "pyls": Use the LSP-pylsp package instead.
- "dart": Use the LSP-Dart package instead.
- "elixir-ls": Use the LSP-elixir package instead.
- "flow": Use the LSP-flow package instead.
- "jdtls": Use the LSP-jdtls package instead.
- "sourcekit-lsp": Use the LSP-SourceKit package instead.
- Add Vala Language Server Instructions (#1693) (Colin Kiama)
- Add information about LSP-pylsp (#1691) (Rafał Chłodnicki)
Fixes and Features
- Raise an exception when neither "command" nor "tcp_port" is given (Raoul Wols)
- Fallback to range formatting if available when formatting on save (Rafal Chlodnicki)
- Allow adjustable extents of the popups (#1689) (Raoul Wols)
- Allow no automatic code actions (Raoul Wols)
- Handle 'file:' URIs in hover content (Raoul Wols)
- Small tweaks for annotations and lightbulb colors (Janos Wortmann)
- Account for out-of-bounds columnn offsets of text edits (Raoul Wols)
- Improve the parser for parsing package.json files (#1664) (Raoul Wols)