Example Cordova-Loopback based fitness app (modelled after Fitbit)
##Getting started
- cd into repository folder and run 'npm install'.
- The application runs in two modes application and server. Follwing are the corresponding steps required.
- Set the responseType attribute to app in config.json file under server.
- Execute 'slc run' to start the application.
- Open the wearable mixin app and click login.
- You will be redirected to new screen, enter credentials for fitbit and click allow.
- User activities will be displayed along with user name.
- Set the responseType attribute to server in config.json file under server.
- Hit 'http://localhost:3000/' url in your browser, you will be redirected to, enter credentials and click allow.
- You will be redirected to success page. This page contains link 'Checkout your activities', follow the link you will see user activites loaded for 12/10/2012 date by default (since data is available for mentioned date).
- The page has a date control to get user activities from Fitbit for selected date.
- You can also get user activites from REST explorer, open 'http://localhost:3000/explorer' in your browser and check the getActivities function under userActivityModel.
- Enter the date you want to get the user activities for, then enter the accessToken and accessSecret which are saved for the user in the user model.
- Click on try it to get the user avtivities in JSON format.