CI example builds and Sonatype Lifecycle analysis for different languages.
Each of the examples are split into separate Git branches, so they can easily automatically be pulled into a CI multibranch build job, as explained below for Jenkins CI.
To make the builds repeatable and simple, this project include Jenkins Docker build nodes provided as Docker containers with a preconfigured build environment for each ecosystem; for example for Maven build example, the container preconfigures Maven and Java. The Dockerfile and supporting content are provided with each build example branch.
You will need the Jenkins "Docker" and “Nexus Platform” plugins
Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available Type: “Nexus Platform” in the search box Select the Nexus Platform plugin, then “Install without restart”
Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Configure System
Scroll down to the Sonatype Nexus section
“Add IQ Server”
and add the IQ server configuration and cridentials, you can check the connection on this page.
Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> Available Type: “Docker” in the search box Select the “Docker” plugin (not the Docker API plugin)
Select “Download now and install after restart” Select the “Restart after download when no jobs are running”
The groovy scipt on the project can automate the setup of the Docker plugin. Click on the set-up-cloud.groovy file Click the “raw” button near the top Copy the entire file
Login to Jenkins: Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Script Console (it’s under Tools and Actions)
Paste the text/copy buffer into the window
Search for 'IQserver' and change the IQ URL to match you system configuration (bear in mind that this is from within a docker build node, not from the Jenkins machine itself) For example if you use Docker Desktop and your IQ server is running on the same host as docker you would use: http://host.docker.internal:8070 You will also need to configure the location the system can use to reach your docker host. For a local Jenkins and Docker install the unix socket in the default config will work, for other systems, such as Jenkins within docker you will need to mount the socket as a volume or expose the API to http.
Before configuring this, you need to create a GitHub token for Jenkins to access the GitHub repository with. Failure to do this will result in errors caused by hitting the GitHub API limits.
Open and “Signin”. You may need to provide your 2FA token using Google Authenticator.
Click on your user icon in the upper right corner -> Settings
At the bottom left -> Developer settings -> Personal access tokens
[Generate new token]
Jenkins -> Create a job
Enter an item name: Nexus Example Builds
Scroll to the bottom and select: Multibranch Pipeline. -> OK
Display Name: Nexus Example Builds
Branch Sources -> Add source -> GitHub
Credentials: Add -> Jenkins
Username: <username>
Password: Paste your token password
ID: NexusExampleBuilds-GitHub
Description: NexusExampleBuilds-GitHub
Credentials: Select NexusExampleBuilds-GitHub
Repository HTTPS URL:
Scroll to the bottom and select “Save”
At this point – Builds for all the platforms/eco-systems will automatically kick off.