Final project in the Microverse JavaScript Curriculum
Implementation of a Space Shooter Game built with the Phaser 3 framework
The main objective of this project was to design and build a platform game. The basics of the game are used from the Space Shooter Game using Phaser and Javascript among other technologies.
Live version of the project: Live version
Project Link: Javascript-Capstone
In this never-ending game, you will face different enemies at random times, and you have to use your laser to make them explode. Every enemy gives you a different score point, and you need to avoid getting hit by their lasers or overlap with one of them. When the game is over , the user can restart the game.
- Input your name on the first page and click the submit button, There is a menu on the next page which are Play, Options, Credits and Scoreboard. You can disable the sound in the options menu. Click on the play menu to start your game. You can move around the screen using the arrow keys and use the Space Bar to shoot whenever you see an enemy. Happy gaming!
npm required - get npm
You can always use the live version to play right away or install it locally using these steps:
Clone the repository by running this command in your terminal
git clone
Navigate into the newly created folder
cd Shooter-Game
$ npm install
$ npm start
Visit this link to see the game in your browser
Run Jest tests
npm run test
It can move at 4 directions, and use the space bar to shoot it enemies. -
Enemy 1 :
Gun Ship: It will appear randomly shooting lasers. You receive +10 every time you make it explode. -
Enemy 2:
Carrier Ship: It will appear at a random velocity and location shooting lasers. You will receive +25 points every time you shoot one successfully -
Enemy 3:
Chaser Ship: It will chase you through all the game. You will receive +15 points every time you destroy one.
Landing Scene
Game Scene
Credits Scene
Leaderboard Scene
Game Over Scene
- Phaser 3
- Webpack
- Javascript
- Eslint
- Babel
- Jest for testing
- Netlify for deployment
- Leaderboard API service for high scores
👤 Somoye Ayotunde
- Github:@somoye123
- Twitter:@ayotunde_197
- LinkedIn:Somoye Ayotunde
- Mail: [email protected]
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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