This repository spin up a kind cluster with a custom configuration: katalog/tests/config/kind-config-custom
The configuration is almost the same configuration we do in every Kubernetes cluster we create. This way we can ensure everything works as expected including the CNI (calico).
- Networking
- calico
- Monitoring
- prometheus-operator
- prometheus-operated
- grafana
- goldpinger
- kubeadm-sm
- kube-state-metrics
- kube-proxy-exporter
- node-exporter
- metrics-server
- Logging
- elasticsearch-single
- cerebro
- curator
- fluentd
- kibana
- Ingress
- cert-manager
- nginx
- forecastle
- DR
- Velero (on prem, with Minio)
- Velero Restic
- Gatekeeper
- Gatekeeper contraint templates
- Gatekeeper Policy Manager
Smoke tests (smoke testing) are executed in this E2E pipeline. It checks everything is running.
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