A web server management and web portal for the DarkStar Private FFXI servers.
- Refactored to use minimal PHP backend with Vue.js frontend
- Gathers data through PHP api endpoints
- A LAMP stack of sorts, or nginx
- PHP 7.2 (Untested on previous versions of 7.*)
- Latest version of Node & NPM or Yarn
Screenshots (out of date)
- Multi-Search: http://i.imgur.com/objeTIM.png
- Character/Account Search: http://i.imgur.com/lB7mZJ6.png
- Character Edit: http://i.imgur.com/VbfUboL.png
- Auction House view: http://i.imgur.com/4oiUtAy.png
- Multi search different content from 1 search entry: characters, accounts, skills, items, zones, mobs, etc
- View current/sold items on auction house
- View minimal character details (hard-coded character id for now)
- View server configuration (if present and accessible from dsweb codebase)
- View currently active Notorious Monsters in the field
- Log in as character
- See character specific data when logged in
- Buy/Sell to auction house when logged in
- Backup/Import characters when logged in as character or as admin (dumps json extracts and can be uploaded to any other server)
- Send/Recieve items (when logged in)
- Manage equipment (when logged in)
- view, edit, manage anything in the database (admin)
- Manage DarkStar files and configurations (based on version - admin)
Very simple to get started:
- Open
in a text editor - Enter your dspdb details replacing whats currently there
- run
composer install && yarn install && yarn build
- Done