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Correct executable bit for source files
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Many media files and source code files were marked as executable in Git.
Remove those.

Also a shell script and python script were not marked as executable.

Change-Id: Ieb51bafb46c895a21d2e83696f5a901ba752b2c5
Signed-off-by: Chirayu Desai <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
kruton authored and Gerrit Code Review committed Apr 13, 2013
1 parent ea45df8 commit d8dc80a
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 643 changed files with 0 additions and 0 deletions.
Empty file modified
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified cmds/input/src/com/android/commands/input/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/animation/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/app/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/app/IAlarmManager.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/app/IThumbnailReceiver.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/app/admin/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/appwidget/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/IBluetoothInputDevice.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/bluetooth/IBluetoothManager.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/content/IIntentReceiver.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/content/pm/ThemeInfo.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/content/res/Configuration.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/content/res/ObbInfo.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/content/res/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/database/IContentObserver.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/ddm/package.html
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/debug/package.html
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/gesture/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/gesture/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/gesture/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/gesture/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/gesture/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/gesture/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/hardware/input/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/net/Uri.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/net/http/package.html
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/net/package.html
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/nfc/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/nfc/tech/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/nfc/tech/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/nfc/tech/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/nfc/tech/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/os/IHardwareService.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/os/IVibratorService.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/os/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/provider/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/server/package.html
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/speech/tts/ITextToSpeechCallback.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/speech/tts/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/view/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/view/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/view/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/view/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/view/WindowManager.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/view/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/view/animation/package.html
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/webkit/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/webkit/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/webkit/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/webkit/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/webkit/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/android/widget/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/com/android/internal/app/IMediaContainerService.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/com/android/internal/app/IUsageStats.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/com/android/internal/app/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/com/android/internal/os/PkgUsageStats.aidl
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/java/com/android/internal/os/
100755 → 100644
Empty file.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-en-hdpi/sym_keyboard_delete.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_circle_disable.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_circle_disable_focused.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_circle_normal.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_circle_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_circle_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_close_normal.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_close_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_close_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_default_normal.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_default_normal_disable.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_default_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_default_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_default_small_normal.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_default_small_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_default_small_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_dialog_disable.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_dialog_normal.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_dialog_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_dialog_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_dropdown_normal.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_dropdown_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_dropdown_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_radio_off.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_radio_off_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_radio_off_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_radio_on.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_radio_on_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/btn_radio_on_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/contact_header_bg.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_btn_round_more_disabled.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_btn_round_more_normal.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_contact_picture_2.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_contact_picture_3.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_jog_dial_sound_off.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_jog_dial_sound_on.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_jog_dial_unlock.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_settings_language.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_left_green.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_left_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_right_red.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_right_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_arrow_short_left.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_arrow_short_right.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_bg.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_dial_dimple.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_gray.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_green.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_red.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_left_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_gray.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_green.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_red.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/jog_tab_right_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/progressbar_indeterminate1.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/progressbar_indeterminate2.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/progressbar_indeterminate3.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_notify_more.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_10.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_20.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_40.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_60.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_80.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim1.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim2.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim3.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim4.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_battery_charge_anim5.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_phone_call.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_phone_call_forward.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_phone_call_on_hold.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_r_signal_3_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_ra_signal_0_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_ra_signal_1_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_ra_signal_2_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_ra_signal_4_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_0_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_1_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_2_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_3_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_4_cdma.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_evdo_0.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_evdo_1.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_evdo_2.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_evdo_3.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_signal_evdo_4.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_vp_phone_call.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/stat_sys_vp_phone_call_on_hold.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_feedback_delete.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_feedback_return.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_feedback_shift.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_feedback_space.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_return.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_shift.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_shift_locked.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/sym_keyboard_space.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/textfield_default.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/textfield_disabled.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/textfield_disabled_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-hdpi/textfield_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-ldpi/tab_focus_bar_left.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-ldpi/tab_focus_bar_right.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-ldpi/tab_press_bar_left.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-ldpi/tab_press_bar_right.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-ldpi/tab_selected_bar_left.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-ldpi/tab_selected_bar_right.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_check_buttonless_off.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_check_buttonless_on.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_dialog_disable.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_dialog_normal.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_dialog_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_dialog_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_erase_default.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_erase_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_erase_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_keyboard_key_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_media_player.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_media_player_disabled.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_media_player_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_media_player_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_off.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_off_disable.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_off_disable_focused.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_off_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_off_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_on.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_on_disable.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_on_disable_focused.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_on_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/btn_star_big_on_selected.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/frame_gallery_thumb.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/frame_gallery_thumb_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/frame_gallery_thumb_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/gallery_selected_default.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/gallery_selected_focused.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/gallery_selected_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/gallery_unselected_default.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_dialog_info.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_dialog_time.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_jog_dial_unlock.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_lock_idle_charging.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_lock_idle_lock.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_lock_idle_low_battery.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_media_video_poster.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_add.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_agenda.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_allfriends.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_camera.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_crop.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_day.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_delete.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_directions.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_edit.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_gallery.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_info_details.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_manage.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_month.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_my_calendar.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_mylocation.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_rotate.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_search.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_search_holo_dark.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_send.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_set_as.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_share.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_sort_by_size.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_star.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_today.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_upload.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_upload_you_tube.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_view.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_menu_week.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_popup_reminder.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/ic_search_category_default.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/indicator_input_error.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_left_green.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_left_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_right_red.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_arrow_long_right_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_arrow_short_left.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_arrow_short_right.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_bg.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_dial_dimple.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_gray.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_green.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_confirm_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_normal.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_left_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_gray.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_green.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_confirm_yellow.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_normal.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/jog_tab_right_pressed.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_down_disabled.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_down_normal.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_down_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_down_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_input_disabled.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_input_normal.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_input_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_input_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_up_disabled.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_up_normal.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_up_pressed.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/numberpicker_up_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/scrollbar_handle_horizontal.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/scrollbar_handle_vertical.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/search_plate.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/spinner_black_20.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_focus.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_focus_bar_left.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_focus_bar_right.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_press.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_press_bar_left.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_press_bar_right.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_selected_bar_left.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/tab_selected_bar_right.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/textfield_search_default.9.png
100755 → 100644
Empty file modified core/res/res/drawable-mdpi/textfield_search_selected.9.png
100755 → 100644

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