Lightweight log agent.
- Lightwelterweight log collection, filtering, reporting tools.Support glob selected log, collect log report to specify the API or ES, follow-up support kafka, redis.
- Support filebeat core functionality.
- The same operating environment, monitoring the same logs, more than 50% less than filebeat takes up memory.
Testing machine:macbookpro. system version:10.14.5(i9/1TB SSD/32G)
name | monitoring file | memory | thread |
llog | 4 | 6.1MB | 23 |
llog | 20 | 6.8MB | 34 |
llog | 50 | 7.1MB | 36 |
filebeat | 4 | 13.9MB | 31 |
filebeat | 20 | 16.2MB | 37 |
filebeat | 50 | 35.3MB | 38 |
- A key to install, no dependence.
# download linux 64 bit
# download linux 32 bit
# log collection configuration block
# to store all kinds of log file glob matching path
- log_path: ["/var/folders/lp/jd6nj9ws5r3br43_y7qw66zw0000gn/T/.nm_logs/nm_apps?/*.log"]
# in the input to exclude conform to the regular expression list of log line
#exclude_lines: ["test"]
# include conform to the regular expression in the input list log line
#include_lines: ["^\\w+"]
# ignore conform to the regular expression list file
#exclude_files: ["\\d{4}.log"]
# the default is false, beginning to send all the content from a file.Set to true will from the tail to start monitoring file additions send new files on each line
tail_files: true
#test whether have increased frequency of log files, the default for 10 seconds
scan_frequency: 160
# for the last time, after reading the file last time didn't log, will close the file handle, the default is 5 minutes
close_inactive: 30
# to send custom fields, the default will be under the fields fields, it can also use a json string, such as' {" a ":" b "} '
#fields: "some field here"
# multi-line matching
# multi-line matching points
#pattern: "^normal_log"
# up to match how many rows, 10 by default
#max_lines: 10
- log_path: ["/var/folders/lp/jd6nj9ws5r3br43_y7qw66zw0000gn/T/.nm/*.log"]
# multi-line matching
# multi-line matching points
pattern: "^error_log"
# up to match how many rows, 10 by default
max_lines: 5
scan_frequency: 160
close_inactive: 30
# output configuration block:
# the collected log is sent to a designated API
# request with the JSON data in the boby, sending by POST method to specify the interface
# whether to enable
#enable: false
#url: ""
# whether to enable
enable: true
host: [""]
index: "nma"
# output certification.
#username: "admin"
#password: "s3cr3t"
# general configuration block
# application name
#name: "llog"
# if system level log (CPU, memory, disk, network), the default is false, is not reported
#sys_info: true
# system information reporting time interval, the default for 10 seconds
#sys_info_during: 10
# set the maximum use of CPU number, unrestricted by default
#max_procs: 8
# file status to keep configuration
# file status switch, default is not open
#enable: false
# save document status, a snapshot of the current state to a local, a kick-off meeting for next time use snapshot content
#snapshot_dir: '/path/to/snapshot/file'
# save the file regularly, defaults to 5 seconds
#snapshot_during: 5
# the default configuration
nohup ./llog_64bit >> llog_nohup.log 2>&1 &
# specified configuration file
nohup ./llog_64bit ./llog_conf.yml >> llog_nohup.log 2>&1 &
"@logId": "cc621467-b53e-4e76-84b5-5679567c986f",
"@message": "log content here...",
"@timestamps": 1569751757188,
"@name": "LLOG",
"@version": "1.0.0",
"@type": "normal|error|system",
"@fields": "{\"key\":\"value\"}"
- get information system (CPU, memory, disk, network)
- support batch designated log Glob grammar
- The output support ElasticSearch
- The output support HTTP API
- in input to exclude the regular expression list of log line
- a list in line with the regular expression in the input of the log line
- ignore the regular expression list file
- upload at most how many characters in a log event
- replacement for yaml configuration file
- API, ES request Timeout Settings
- log multi-line matching, commonly used in error stack information collection
- log multi-line matching maximum limit line
- can be configured from the log file starting or tail log monitor
- add file test
- automatically shut down long-term inactive file handle
- can limit the CPU use auditing at most
- support custom fields, is used to retrieve
- Save the file status
- Support for multiple sets of independent configuration
- can be set up log reports the number of threads