An app to meet new people in your community.
The UI and API automatically update when you make changes to source files.
Command | Description |
run ui |
Open frontend UI in a tab. |
run api |
Open backend API in a tab. |
run api-docs |
Open API documentation in a tab. |
run book |
Open Storybook in a tab. |
The pipeline version in Prefect dashboard automatically updates when you save .py
Command | Description |
run pytest |
Run all pytest tests. |
run flow matching |
Run the matching flow locally. |
run dash |
Open Prefect dashboard in a tab. |
Command | Description |
git checkout -b branch_name |
Create a new branch. |
git checkout branch_name |
Switch to an existing branch. |
git status |
Display current branch and list files that have been changed or staged for commit. |
git branch |
Display current branch and list local branches. |
git add . |
Stage changed files in the current directory for commit. |
pre-commit run |
Run pre-commit checks. Remember to stage your changes beforehand! (run pre-commit also works) |
git commit -m "message" |
Commit changes with a message. |
git fetch |
Fetch information about the latest branches from origin repository. |
git pull |
Pulls latest commits for current branch from origin repository. |
git push |
Push latest commits for current branch to origin repository. |
git log |
View list of commits on current branch. |
git merge branch_name |
Merge changes from another branch into the current branch. |
git rebase -i branch_name |
Interactively rebase the current branch so its commits come after the commits on another branch. |
git stash save |
Save changes that you are not ready to commit to a stash you can restore later. |
git stash apply |
Restore changes that you stashed. Uses most recent stash, but you can also save/apply by name. |
- Frontend App
- JavaScript
- React
- Vite
- React Router
- Storybook
- GitHub Pages
- Firebase
- Font Awesome Icons
- Backend API
- Python
- Dataclasses
- Django
- SQLite (Coming soon...)
- Firebase
- Pytest
- Offline Pipeline
- Python
- Prefect
- Dataclasses
- SQLite (Coming soon...)
- Firebase
- Pytest
- Developer Tools
- GitPod
- GitHub Actions
- Watchdog
- Black, mypy, pycln, isort, Bandit (default Black style guide)
- ESLint, Prettier (Airbnb style guide)
These commands run automatically when starting a new GitPod workspace.
Command | Description |
source .venv/bin/activate |
Start Python virtual environment. |
run install-frontend |
Install JavaScript dependencies. |
run install-backend |
Install Python dependencies. |
run frontend |
Start frontend UI. |
run storybook |
Start Storybook. |
run backend |
Start backend API. |
run prefect |
Start Prefect dashboard. |
Command | Description |
run frontend-static |
Build and serve static frontend UI, similar to production. |
run backend-server |
Server backend API with Gunicorn, similar to production. |
run install-frontend-ci |
Install locked frontend dependencies, for continuous integration only. |
run install-eslint |
Install ESLint dependencies, for continuous integration only. |
run lint-frontend |
Runs linter on frontend code, prefer pre-commit run . |
run format-frontend |
Runs formatter on frontend code, prefer pre-commit run . |
run prefect-register |
Update pipeline version in Prefect. |
run prefect-listen |
Listens for changes to pipeline code to update version in Prefect. |
run manage ... |
Run a Django management command. |
run shell |
Start a Django shell. |
We use mock logins when running the Butterfly app on GitPod because Firebase login is not authorized on GitPod. If you need to login with a real account, you can run GitPod Local Companion, which will let you connect to the app being served on GitPod from your own localhost. Your Firebase login should work on localhost.