This is a simple calculator built in vanilla JavaScript. Done as part of The Odin Project foundations curriculum.
- Handles integers and decimals
- Handles addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
- Prevents user from dividing by 0
- Large answers are given in scientific notation
- Answers are rounded to be as precise as possible while fitting in the display
User experience
- Responsive layout adjusts to screen height
- Accepts clicks, keyboard input, and touchscreen input
- User can string together several operations, with each pair of numbers being evaluated at a time
- "C" button clears all, "⌫" backspace button deletes most recent digit or character
- Last equation is displayed in user interface
- This project uses Everson Mono Bold by M. Everson.
- Manipulating objects, numbers, and strings
- Responsive & mobile-friendly design
- Testing cross-browser compatibility
- Touchscreen events
- Importing font families