Quickser (QUICK SERialization) is a library for quick and efficient serialization of Java classes. It is derived from the serialization framework of the JDBM3 project.
- Very fast - often faster than Kryo or protostuff
- Much faster than usual Java serialization (up to 11 times faster on some tests)
- Produces a very compact serialized representation, often smaller than Kryo or protostuff
- Supports cyclic references and shared objects inside object graph
- Supports custom serialization for classes implementing Externalizable interface
- Has minimum external dependencies
- Very small - just a few classes (33 KB jar)
The API of Quickser is very simple:
Serialization ser = new Serialization();
Object obj1 = ...;
byte[] binary = ser.serialize(obj1);
Object obj2 = ser.deserialize(binary);