Releases: richardmrodriguez/fountain-parser-rs
Fixes a bug where a line starting with elipsis (...) is incorrectly parsed as a Heading.
Also introduces a is_forced' bool to the
FNLine` struct. This bool will be true for lines which are "forced" formatting, i.e. use special character(s) to override their line types.
The car crumples like an accordion.
using !
to prefix a line will force it to be action, for example.
It is useful to know which lines are "forced", so that these extra characters can be cleaned up from the string content before paginating / rendering.
The car crumples like an accordion.
Added Display trait to FNLineType
This makes the following modules public, to make dealing with the parsed lines easier:
Initial Release
This is the bare minimum of a Static Fountain Parser functional. You can expect to be able to parse all Fountain elements with the exclusion of:
- Notes
- Boneyards
This is how you use the static_fountain_parser
use fountain-parser-rs::static_fountain_parser
let lines: Vec<FNLine> = static_fountain_parser::get_parsed_lines_from_raw_string(fountain_document_as_string);
for ln: &FNLine in &lines {
println!("{:?}\t\t\t{}", ln.fn_type, ln.string);