` There are 2 sections to be completed:
The Food Delivery services can take the order online. The delivery charge will be calculated depends on number of boxes, total price, range, vehicle type to delivery and service chages. The customer will get the discount of delivery fee for first 15 kilometers if user order food more than $200 and more than 15 kilometers will be calculated as usual.
Delivered vehicle type will be selected by calculating with number of order.
BIKE if Index < 40
CAR if Index >= 40
Meal box = 1.3 per box
Dessert box = 1 per box
Ordered 20 x Meal Boxes and 10 x Dessert Boxes
Index = (20 * 1.3) + 10 = 36
Then select 'BIKE' for delivery
Ordered 20 x Meal Boxes and 14 x Dessert Boxes
Index = (20 * 1.3) + 20 = 40
Then select 'CAR' for delivery
Ordered 15 x Meal Boxes and 20 x Dessert Boxes
Index = (15 * 1.3) + 20 = 39.5 then ROUNDUP to 40
Then select 'CAR' for delivery
Started at $10
Distance between 0 - 30 Kilometers = $7.2 / Kilometers
Distance above 31 Kilometers = $14 / Kilometers
Delivery Charge will be included 10%
Started at $20
Every distance (1 rate) = $12 / Kilometers
Delivery Charge will be included 10%
If customer orders + Delivery fee >= $200
Deliver charge will be deducted from distance between 0 - 15 kilometers
Deliver charge above 15 kilometers will be calculated as usual
If customer orders + Delivery fee < $200
Deliver charge will be calculated as usual without discount offer
Ordered 20 x Meal Boxes and 14 x Dessert Boxes
The price of Meal boxes = $210
Distance from restaurant to destination = 20 kilometers
1. Index = 20 * 1.3 = 36 Then select BIKE to delivery (BIKE has the starter fee at $10) 2. Distance for 0 - 30 kilometers (20 kilometers) Then 10 + (20 * 7.2) = $154 Included service charged 10% = 154 * 1.10 = 169.4 ~ 170 3. Discount if the price >= $200 Then 10 + (15 * 7.2) = $118 Included service charged 10% = 118 * 1.10 = 129.8 ~ 130 Total Delivery charges = 170 - 130 = $40
Ordered 20 x Meal Boxes and 14 x Dessert Boxes
The price of Meal and Dessert boxes = $500
Distance from restaurant to destination = 20 kilometers
1. Index = (20 * 1.3) + 14 = 40 Then select CAR to delivery (CAR has starter fee at $20) 2. Distance = 20 kilometers Then 20 + (20 * 12) = $260 Included service charged 10% = 260 * 1.10 = 286 3. Discount if the price >= $200 Then 20 + (15 * 12) = $200 Included service charged 10% = 200 * 1.10 = 210 Total Delivery charges = 286 - 210 = $76
Ordered 38 x Dessert Boxes
The price of Meal and Dessert boxes = $199
Distance from restaurant to destination = 32 kilometers
1. Index = 38 Then select BIKE to delivery (BIKeE has starter fee at $10) 2.1 Distance for 0 - 30 kilometers (30 kilometers) Then 30 * 7.2 = $216 2.2 Distance for 31 - 32 kilometers (2 kilometers) Then 2 * 14 = $28 2.3 Include started fee = 10 Then 216 + 28 + 10 = $254 2.4 Included service charged 10% Then 254 * 1.10 = 279.4 ~ 280 3. Discount if the price >= $200 None Total Delivery charges = $280
You are a QA who has contracts to test Food Delivery Charge
- Create a test plan with as much detail as possible. (Prefer Excel or google sheet format). Think of various scenarios that need testing.
- Estimation time to test your test scenaiors
- Explain how to test or technique you use to create the test scenarios in brief
- Propose the test cases from your test plan that should be covered by Automation Testing and why you selected those test cases
https://trade.zipmex.com/global/trade/BTCUSD is the crypto-currencies Exchange platform for crypto traders. We provide the 24x7 services to operate orders matching engine. We have been implementing 10++ pairs of currencies such as BTCUSD, ZMTUSD, USDTUSD and etc.. to serve the traders's purpose.
QA Engineer team need to ensure the quality by manual testing and convert them to automation test scripts because there are a lot of features and new pairs of currencies will be released weekly.
For Web UI test case, See the Guidline to walkthrough Zipmex Exchange platform (only the feature we are going to cover the automation testing)
Select a Instrument
Get the best price to buy. Then adjust the price a bit
- new price = price + 0.1%
Input amount = 1.00
Get the Total (USD) value
Then save the value into a variable and print into the console
Expected Result
Trade USDTUSD with side = buy with price = xxx.xxx with amount = 1.00 Total (USD) = xxx.xxx
Switch to sell side. Get the best price to sell. Then adjust the price a bit
- new price = price - 0.1%
Input amount = 1.00
Get the Total (USD) value
Then save the total value into a variable and print into the console
Expected Result
Trade USDTUSD with side = sell with price = xxx.xxx with amount = 1.00 Total (USD) = xxx.xxx
Create a automation test scripts to get the value from this API endpoint:
Then write the value to log file or log to console as markdown format.
Zipmex market cap
| instrument | last_price | lowest_24hr | highest_24hr |
| USD_BTC |56713.76 |56575.22 |57805.27 |
| USD_ZMT | 1.2568 | 1.2302 |1.2568 |
| USDT_GOLD | 57.1 | 0 | 0 |
- Follow the requirement on both Web UI and API testing
- Write the automate test scripts the execution the test cases.
- Compose the README how to setup the tool and run the test automation scripts (deponds on your submittion tools). Let's say we would like to share it to anyone who doesn't have background.
🤖 **Feel free to use any language or scripts which is easy for you.
recommended Javascript!** 🤖
Ready to surprise us what you have done?
- Push the test plan and automation testing code to github repository and share us the link
- Explain how to setup the tools and how to run the test cases clearly
We are looking for your submission. We will arrange the face-to-face interview once you are passed the challenges.
Let's rock! 🤘