Mars Airlines Assignment
End-to-end testing powered by playwright with typescript
Recommended to use asdf-vm and plugin NodeJS. See more detail by this link asdf-vm-nodejs
asdf install nodejs 20.5.1
git clone
npm install
npx playwright install
Copy file from 1PW
and paste it into .env
file on the project directory
Use VS Code with Playwright Test for VSCode:
Select Testing tab
Select test case that you want to run
- Click Debug to run specific test with browser open. You can set breakpoint and step through code as well
- Click Run to run specific test in headless mode
$ npm run test-ui
$ npm run test
$ npm run report
keep all test cases which are separated by features
└── searching
├── basicWorkflow.test.ts
├── promotionCode.test.ts
└── ui.test.ts
keep all the resources e.g. constants, services, pages (POM), utils, helper
├── constants
│ └── searchOptions.ts
└── pages