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Learning the basics of 802.11i and messing with Scapy.
Will probably be ready in a week or two...




  • WPA are not standards, but certifications
  • WPA2 implements the mandatory elements of IEEE 802.11i. In particular, it includes support for CCMP, an AES-based encryption mode.
  • 802.1X / EAP is used on WPA2-Entreprise "certified" networks
  • EAP and PSK authentication is used on WPA2-personal "certified" networks

WPA2 steps


Either passive or active approach is used

  • the client receives a beacon frame (passive)
  • the client sends a probe request (active)
  • the server sends back a probe response (active)


The authentication steps is here for the supplicant and the authenticator to define communications rules
(e.g rates, algorithm, etc...)

  • the client sends an authentication request
  • the server sends an authentication response


  • the client sends an association request
  • the client sends an association response

4 way-handshake

The 4-Way Handshake utilizes an exchange of four EAPOL-Key frames between the client and access point. In a PSK network, the exchange of frames occurs after the Open System Authentication and Association. In an 802.1X network, the 4-Way Handshake occurs after EAP authentication. TODO: insight on how the handshake packets can be crafted from a theorical standpoint, then present scapy bindings here.


Beacons are used by hosts to detect available access points.
Every 100ms, an access point sends a broadcast packet containing the following information :

  • its SSID
  • The security protocols it supports (e.g WPA-2)
  • The wireless protocols it supports (e.g 802L.11n)

Directed Probe Request

Instead of relying on passive scanning (aka beacons), a host can sends a "probe" packet, containing the SSID it is looking for.
If the access point receives the packet, it answers with a probe response.


This stage of the communication is still unencrypted.
An authentication packet is sent by a host to identify itself.

two types of authentication:

  • Open System => No authentication required
  • Shared key => (WEP, WPA-2, WPA-3, etc..s.)

The PSK is never sent during communication and must be set manually on The AP and the client.

The client and the AP perform a four-way handshake to generate an encryption key, used for later communications.

During the four-way handshake, the PSK is used to encrypt & decrypt communications.


the piece of code I have in mind will be suited to target mobile hotposts.

  • Brute-force / Dictionary attack could be used to authenticate thus deduce the PSK.
  • Brute-force / Dictionary attack could be used on previously saved four-way handshake communications to crack the PSK.

scapy packets

My first goal is to connect to a mobile hotpost (4 way handshake), in order to get familiar with scapy.

Scapy does not give much details in its documentation concerning 802.11 frames.
lets dig in the code

packets must be encapsulated in a RadioTap header to send data over the wi-fi

pkt = RadioTap()

you can create a 802.11 frame using the Dot11 binding

pkt = RadioTap()/Dot11()

Apparently a 802.11 frame contains Information Elements (IE).
Scapy represent theses parts of frame like so

class Dot11Elt(Packet):
    A Generic 802.11 Element
    __slots__ = ["info"]
    name = "802.11 Information Element"
    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ID", 0, _dot11_id_enum),
                   FieldLenField("len", None, "info", "B"),
                   StrLenField("info", "", length_from=lambda x: x.len,

Somehow the IPXE documentation makes it clear.

we could complete our frame like so

pkt = RadioTap()/Dot11()/Dot11Elt()/Dot11Elt()/Dot11Elt() #etc...

Now we need to figure out what values can be set in theses Dot11 & Dot11Elt "objects" we can use ls() to see the 802.11 attributes which can be set

#in a shell
>>> ls(Dot11)
subtype    : BitMultiEnumField                   = ('0')
type       : BitEnumField                        = ('0')
proto      : BitField  (2 bits)                  = ('0')
cfe        : BitEnumField (Cond)                 = ('0')
FCfield    : MultipleTypeField (FlagsField, FlagsField) = ('<Flag 0 ()>')
ID         : ShortField                          = ('0')
addr1      : _Dot11MacField                      = ("'00:00:00:00:00:00'")
addr2      : _Dot11MacField (Cond)               = ("'00:00:00:00:00:00'")
addr3      : _Dot11MacField (Cond)               = ("'00:00:00:00:00:00'")
SC         : LEShortField (Cond)                 = ('0')
addr4      : _Dot11MacField (Cond)               = ("'00:00:00:00:00:00'")

types and subtypes can be found here

here we want to establish that four-way handshake, Wikipedia says:

type:0b0000 Management subtype:0b0100 => Probe Request

pkt = RadioTap()/Dot11(subtype=4, type=0)/Dot11Elt()/Dot11Elt()/Dot11Elt() #etc...

also about the Protocol version subfield (proto attribute in Scapy)

The two-bit protocol version subfield is set to 0 for WLAN (PV0) and 1 for IEEE 802.11ah (PV1). so we stick to 0.

pkt = RadioTap()/Dot11(subtype=4, type=0, proto=0)/Dot11Elt()/Dot11Elt()/Dot11Elt() #etc...

sadly i don't understand a single thing about the cfe attribute

FCfield reffers to the Frame control field:

from what we read here a probe request contains the SSID and bit rates

I had to dig into Scapy to find the existing IDs... see here , line 938

# 802.11 IE #

# 802.11-2016 - 9.4.2

_dot11_info_elts_ids = {
    0: "SSID",
    1: "Supported Rates",
    2: "FHset",
    3: "DSSS Set",
    4: "CF Set",
    5: "TIM",
    6: "IBSS Set",
    7: "Country",
    10: "Request",
    11: "BSS Load",
    12: "EDCA Set",
    13: "TSPEC",
    14: "TCLAS",
    15: "Schedule",
    16: "Challenge text",
    32: "Power Constraint",
    33: "Power Capability",
    36: "Supported Channels",
    37: "Channel Switch Announcement",
    42: "ERP",
    45: "HT Capabilities",
    46: "QoS Capability",
    48: "RSN",
    50: "Extended Supported Rates",
    52: "Neighbor Report",
    61: "HT Operation",
    74: "Overlapping BSS Scan Parameters",
    107: "Interworking",
    127: "Extended Capabilities",
    191: "VHT Capabilities",
    192: "VHT Operation",
    221: "Vendor Specific"

# Backward compatibility
_dot11_elt_deprecated_names = {
    "Rates": 1,
    "DSset": 3,
    "CFset": 4,
    "IBSSset": 6,
    "challenge": 16,
    "PowerCapability": 33,
    "Channels": 36,
    "ERPinfo": 42,
    "HTinfo": 45,
    "RSNinfo": 48,
    "ESRates": 50,
    "ExtendendCapatibilities": 127,
    "VHTCapabilities": 191,
    "Vendor": 221,
# self.rates = "\x03\x12\x96\x18\x24\x30\x48\x60"  pasted
pkt = RadioTap()/Dot11(subtype=4, type=0, proto=0)/Dot11Elt(ID="SSID", info="test")/Dot11Elt(ID="Supported Rates", info="???")/Dot11Elt() #etc...

Here it is not clear which address is which (client, AP, a 3rd addr ??) looked up "802.11 field", apparently the order is the following:

  • addr1 => DestAddr
  • addr2 => SourceAddr
  • addr3 => BSS ID (!= SSID, BSSID is an ADDR calculated using the AP's MAC, to uniquely identify the AP)
addr1      : _Dot11MacField                      = ("'00:00:00:00:00:00'")
addr2      : _Dot11MacField (Cond)               = ("'00:00:00:00:00:00'")
addr3      : _Dot11MacField (Cond)               = ("'00:00:00:00:00:00'")
pkt = RadioTap()/Dot11(subtype=4, type=0, proto=0, addr1="DEST-ADDR", addr2="OWN-ADDR", addr3="THE-BSSID")/Dot11Elt(ID="SSID", info="test")/Dot11Elt(ID="Supported Rates", info="???")/Dot11Elt() #etc...
  • find out how to find the BSSID of an AP, to fill up the Dot11 frame
  • find out how to 4 way handshake own AP
    • try to authenticate to own AP
    • try to associate to own AP
  • try to deauthenticate to own AP (will be useful to deauth another user and listen the four-way handshake)

From there we can use beacons (BLACKLIST INSTITUTIONAL AND GOV APs)
Any way to target mobile hotspot only ?


** note**
Now we should have what it takes to work on the code.

Here we sniff 20 Beacon frames on our wifi interface

pkts = sniff(filter="type mgt subtype beacon", iface=iface, count=20)


AP list:
    b'PlanetCampus - Prive 014752'
    b'Redmi Note 11'

Now we want to connect to an AP.
This documentation along with theses classes definition where enough to build an authentication packet

# hardocing my MAC address goes brrr
mac_header = Dot11(subtype=11, type=0, proto=0, addr1=target_AP.addr2, addr2="brrr brrr", addr3=target_AP.addr2)
body_frame = Dot11Auth(algo=11, seqnum=1) #wrong algo on purpose, curious about the result
pkt = RadioTap()/mac_header/body_frame
result = srp1(pkt, iface="wlp0s20f3")

using here is the result

###[ 802.11-FCS ]### 
     subtype   = Authentication
     type      = Management
     proto     = 0
     FCfield   = 
     ID        = 14849
     addr1     = brrr brrr (RA=DA)
     addr2     = heh (TA=SA)
     addr3     = heh (BSSID/STA)
     SC        = 48928
     fcs       = 0xc5c2ab34
###[ 802.11 Authentication ]### 
        algo      = 11
        seqnum    = 2
        status    = algo-unsupported

algo unsported, which makes sense:

  • 0 is meant to authentication without any added security layer
  • 1 is meant to authenticate using a Pre-Shared Key secured (WPAx)

using algo=0 returns the following even tho my mobile hotspot is configured to use WPA2 ?!!

##[ 802.11 Authentication ]### 
        algo      = open
        seqnum    = 2
        status    = success

lets try to authenticate for real this time, we'll see later about that Open System authentication

# not using Ether().src, it uses my ethernet mac... to lazy to search
mac_header = Dot11(subtype=11, type=0, proto=0, addr1=target_AP.addr2, addr2=own_MAC, addr3=target_AP.addr2)
body_frame = Dot11Auth(algo=1, seqnum=1)
pkt = RadioTap()/mac_header/body_frame
result = srp1(pkt, iface="wlp0s20f3")

which returns

Begin emission:
Finished sending 1 packets.
Received 40 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets
###[ RadioTap ]### 
###[ 802.11-FCS ]### 
     subtype   = Authentication
     type      = Management
     proto     = 0
     FCfield   = 
     ID        = 14849
     addr1     = heh (RA=DA)
     addr2     = heh(TA=SA)
     addr3     = heh (BSSID/STA)
     SC        = 37568
     fcs       = 0x296dc947
###[ 802.11 Authentication ]### 
        algo      = sharedkey
        seqnum    = 2
        status    = success
###[ 802.11 Information Element ]### 
           ID        = Challenge text
           len       = 128
           info      = "\x1f\\xdcD'J%\\xc5\\xd4U\x14N!d\\xcdΓ\\x91\\xb0\x17?ɶ\\xe2dw^\\xf2\\xc7\\xc4\\xdfG\\x82$/\\xf9\\xc0*ڕ6\\xaa\\x97\\xd1dsZ\\x8d\x0fz\\xb3C7Q\\xab\\x80B\\xd2\x1f\\xfdU\\xfeo\\xf5D\x7f\\xb4\\I\\xd8\x14\x1d\\x96&?(\x1d\x1d\x16L\\xf2j.e\\x91\\xf2\\x84\\x86\x00\\xb4\\xb0\\x9e*\\xb3Q3@\\xc8\x11\\xaeR\\xedܷ\x15\\x892\\xf6P:\\xfa\\x9em\\xaa\\x8d\\x88\\xd7bA5\\xd4q\\xc9\\xcf\n\\xc7\\xeez`"

we received a challenge, I have no idea how the authentication process works, after some research I realized that this is the tricky part...
Many concepts are discussed here so that i can keep working without being overwhelmed.

4-Way Handshake

i'd like to focus on the standard but everything is poorly managed and not welcoming. Finding / Reading an RFC is pretty straight forward, but i could not find good official documentation about wifi authentication.


802.11i security norm which define 3 types of authentication mechanism:

  • authentication using 802.1X and EOP (port based authentication)
  • Authentication using the AES algorithm

In both cases the transport protocol in use is EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)

this image contradicts this but ok ??? here I guess I'll focus on this instead, we can apparently craft an IElement, and assign a challenge

_dot11_info_elts_ids = {
    0: "SSID",
    16: "Challenge text",

Once authenticated both the client and the access point know the Pairwise Master Key (description below).

first authenticate and associate. After successful association, AP finally sends me EAP Request Identity packet.
4.  EAP Packet Format

   A summary of the EAP packet format is shown below.  The fields are
   transmitted from left to right.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Code      |  Identifier   |            Length             |
   |    Data ...


      The Code field is one octet and identifies the Type of EAP packet.
      EAP Codes are assigned as follows:

         1       Request
         2       Response
         3       Success
         4       Failure

      Since EAP only defines Codes 1-4, EAP packets with other codes
      MUST be silently discarded by both authenticators and peers.

Aboba, et al.               Standards Track                    [Page 20]

RFC 3748                          EAP                          June 2004


      The Identifier field is one octet and aids in matching Responses
      with Requests.


      The Length field is two octets and indicates the length, in
      octets, of the EAP packet including the Code, Identifier, Length,
      and Data fields.  Octets outside the range of the Length field
      should be treated as Data Link Layer padding and MUST be ignored
      upon reception.  A message with the Length field set to a value
      larger than the number of received octets MUST be silently


      The Data field is zero or more octets.  The format of the Data
      field is determined by the Code field.

From there, a 4-way handhsake happens between a client (supplicant) and an AP (authenticator). To generate a Private Transient Key, and encrypt communications using it.

?The PMK is a temporary key?
!it is not used to encrypt coms !

PTK = PRF (PMK + Anonce + SNonce + Mac (AA)+ Mac (SA))
  • Anonce a random number generated by the Authenticator
  • Snonce a random number generated by the Supplicant
  • MAC(SA) mac address of the supplicant
  • MAC(AA) mac address of the authenticator
  • PRF() is a pseudo-random function which is applied to the whole
  • MSK the PSK is the first generated key when authenticating using PSK or 802.1X/EAP
  • PMK the PSK key is generated from the MSK key
  • PTK the PTK is the key used for encrpytion, it is generated using the PMK

for multicast encryption, MSK -> GMK -> GTK is generate, kind of the same flow as for MSK -> PMK -> PTK

Robust Security Network Authentication (RSNA)

some documentation see here The initial authentication process is carried out either using a pre-shared key (PSK), or following an EAP exchange through 802.1X doc when using PSK, fist few packets are encrypted using it, then a Pairwise Master key is generated (derivated from the PSK) and used from there to encrypt content. Once the 4 way handshake occured, a Private Transiant Key is generated, and use to encrypt communications.


This video is a good starting point. Here is a recap:

  • EAP is a transport protocol used to authenticate users over WLAN or LAN networks.
  • EAP is media-independent, it operates at the layer 2
  • EAP supports a variety of authentication protocols
  • before being authenticate, any packets relying on another transport protocol such as TCP will be dropped.

EAP only concerns WPA/WPA2-Enterprise which is more sophisticated != WPA/WPA2-PSK !!!

rip, back to the start this may be of interest:

  • table states that: WPA2 personnal + PSK => TKIP security, itself using RC4 algorithm and rotates key regularly.
  • section 8. Four-Way Handshake

seems a bit too much of a headache to work on an authentication using scapy for now... authentication itself seems harder than getting into an AP by attacking it...

lets focus on deauth and dictionnary / bruteforce attack for now. If I'm still motivated after this, i'll work on the 4 way handshake =)

# EAP PHASE-------------
# counts => each packet or only the one filtered ?
# EAP PHASE-------------

using the haslayer() getlayer() we can check for the challenge text existence

# 802.11 IE #

# 802.11-2016 - 9.4.2

_dot11_info_elts_ids = {
    0: "SSID",
    1: "Supported Rates",
    2: "FHset",
    3: "DSSS Set",
    4: "CF Set",
    5: "TIM",
    6: "IBSS Set",
    7: "Country",
    10: "Request",
    11: "BSS Load",
    12: "EDCA Set",
    13: "TSPEC",
    14: "TCLAS",
    15: "Schedule",
    16: "Challenge text",
_dot11_info_elts_ids = {
    0: "SSID",
    1: "Supported Rates",
    2: "FHset",
    3: "DSSS Set",
    4: "CF Set",
    5: "TIM",
    6: "IBSS Set",
    7: "Country",
    10: "Request",
    11: "BSS Load",
    12: "EDCA Set",
    13: "TSPEC",
    14: "TCLAS",
    15: "Schedule",
    16: "Challenge text",
    32: "Power Constraint",
    33: "Power Capability",
    36: "Supported Channels",
    37: "Channel Switch Announcement",
    42: "ERP",
    45: "HT Capabilities",
    46: "QoS Capability",
    48: "RSN",
    50: "Extended Supported Rates",
    52: "Neighbor Report",
    61: "HT Operation",
    74: "Overlapping BSS Scan Parameters",
    107: "Interworking",
    127: "Extended Capabilities",
    191: "VHT Capabilities",
    192: "VHT Operation",
    221: "Vendor Specific"

!!! warning Sometimes mobile hotspot are not detected, somehow turning off then back on the interface fixes it...

  • find connected hosts to the IP by sniffing
  • deauth one of the client
  • listen to the four-way handshake
  • crack the key using dictionnaries and/or bruteforce

this can be useful in scapy interpreter

>>> explore()
>>> ls(className)
>>> ls(Dot11)
>>> ls(Dot11Elt)
>>> ...

The main problem is that shared access point are used with weak passwords, simply because sharing a 123 character long string to someone for them to connect to your SAP is far from practical...

A solution could be to use a simple QR code application that contains your strong PSK.

This way the user (client) can scan it, copy the key and paste it in their configuration.


  • promiscuous mode must be enabled on the WNIC, to sniff packets without having to associate with an AP.
  • monitor mode allows to sniff packets but you need to be connected to the AP !
  • managed mode, no sniffing.

see the script to switch back & to monitor mode.


  • use beacon to enumerate nearby APs
  • authenticate to my own 4g mobile hotspot using Open System authenticate (find out why this returns a success code, even tho i set WPA2 on my hotspot)
  • authenticate to my own 4g mobile hotspot using WPA2 and a PSK (no bruteforce, as a regular user)
  • associate to my own 4g mobile hotspot using WPA2 and a PSK (no bruteforce, as a regular user)
  • what can we do from there ?


messing with Scapy...






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