Artax is currently only available on Windows. It requires ZeroMQ v4.2.3. To build from source, see
Clone or download this repo.
To use Artax, open a terminal, navigate to the root directory, and run:
cargo build
Once the program finishes building, open 2 more terminals and navigate to the root directory. In the first terminal, enter and run:
cargo run --bin server
This will start running the simulated data server.
In the second terminal, enter and run:
cargo run --bin artax
This will start the Artax broker.
Finally, in the third terminal, enter and run:
cargo run --bin client <analysis_type>
Possible analysis types available:
- reduction
More coming soon:
- resolving power
- thrash
- msms
This will start running the client, asking Artax to perform the chosen analysis of the data.