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cophus committed Jun 27, 2024
1 parent cd48bea commit 316bded
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 293 deletions.
293 changes: 0 additions & 293 deletions py4DSTEM/process/diffraction/
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Expand Up @@ -1346,296 +1346,3 @@ def plot_dominant_phase(
if returnfig:
return fig,ax

# def plot_all_phase_maps(self, map_scale_values=None, index=0):
# """
# Visualize phase maps of dataset.

# Args:
# map_scale_values (float): Value to scale correlations by
# """
# phase_maps = []
# if map_scale_values is None:
# map_scale_values = [1] * len(self.orientation_maps)
# corr_sum = np.sum(
# [
# (self.orientation_maps[m].corr[:, :, index] * map_scale_values[m])
# for m in range(len(self.orientation_maps))
# ]
# )
# for m in range(len(self.orientation_maps)):
# phase_maps.append(self.orientation_maps[m].corr[:, :, index] / corr_sum)
# show_image_grid(lambda i: phase_maps[i], 1, len(phase_maps), cmap="inferno")
# return

# def plot_phase_map(self, index=0, cmap=None):
# corr_array = np.dstack(
# [maps.corr[:, :, index] for maps in self.orientation_maps]
# )
# best_corr_score = np.max(corr_array, axis=2)
# best_match_phase = [
# np.where(corr_array[:, :, p] == best_corr_score, True, False)
# for p in range(len(self.orientation_maps))
# ]

# if cmap is None:
# cm = plt.get_cmap("rainbow")
# cmap = [
# cm(1.0 * i / len(self.orientation_maps))
# for i in range(len(self.orientation_maps))
# ]

# fig, (ax) = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6))
# ax.matshow(
# np.zeros((self.orientation_maps[0].num_x, self.orientation_maps[0].num_y)),
# cmap="gray",
# )
# ax.axis("off")

# for m in range(len(self.orientation_maps)):
# c0, c1 = (cmap[m][0] * 0.35, cmap[m][1] * 0.35, cmap[m][2] * 0.35, 1), cmap[
# m
# ]
# cm = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("cmap", [c0, c1], N=10)
# ax.matshow(
# self.orientation_maps[m].corr[:, :, index], mask=best_match_phase[m]
# ),
# cmap=cm,
# )

# return

# Potentially introduce a way to check best match out of all orientations in phase plan and plug into model
# to quantify phase

# def phase_plan(
# self,
# method,
# zone_axis_range: np.ndarray = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]),
# angle_step_zone_axis: float = 2.0,
# angle_coarse_zone_axis: float = None,
# angle_refine_range: float = None,
# angle_step_in_plane: float = 2.0,
# accel_voltage: float = 300e3,
# intensity_power: float = 0.25,
# tol_peak_delete=None,
# tol_distance: float = 0.01,
# fiber_axis = None,
# fiber_angles = None,
# ):
# return

# def quantify_phase(
# self,
# pointlistarray,
# tolerance_distance=0.08,
# method="nnls",
# intensity_power=0,
# mask_peaks=None,
# ):
# """
# Quantification of the phase of a crystal based on the crystal instances and the pointlistarray.

# Args:
# pointlisarray (pointlistarray): Pointlistarray to quantify phase of
# tolerance_distance (float): Distance allowed between a peak and match
# method (str): Numerical method used to quantify phase
# intensity_power (float): ...
# mask_peaks (list, optional): A pointer of which positions to mask peaks from

# Details:
# """
# if isinstance(pointlistarray, PointListArray):
# phase_weights = np.zeros(
# (
# pointlistarray.shape[0],
# pointlistarray.shape[1],
# np.sum([map.num_matches for map in self.orientation_maps]),
# )
# )
# phase_residuals = np.zeros(pointlistarray.shape)
# for Rx, Ry in tqdmnd(pointlistarray.shape[0], pointlistarray.shape[1]):
# (
# _,
# phase_weight,
# phase_residual,
# crystal_identity,
# ) = self.quantify_phase_pointlist(
# pointlistarray,
# position=[Rx, Ry],
# tolerance_distance=tolerance_distance,
# method=method,
# intensity_power=intensity_power,
# mask_peaks=mask_peaks,
# )
# phase_weights[Rx, Ry, :] = phase_weight
# phase_residuals[Rx, Ry] = phase_residual
# self.phase_weights = phase_weights
# self.phase_residuals = phase_residuals
# self.crystal_identity = crystal_identity
# return
# else:
# return TypeError("pointlistarray must be of type pointlistarray.")
# return

# def quantify_phase_pointlist(
# self,
# pointlistarray,
# position,
# method="nnls",
# tolerance_distance=0.08,
# intensity_power=0,
# mask_peaks=None,
# ):
# """
# Args:
# pointlisarray (pointlistarray): Pointlistarray to quantify phase of
# position (tuple/list): Position of pointlist in pointlistarray
# tolerance_distance (float): Distance allowed between a peak and match
# method (str): Numerical method used to quantify phase
# intensity_power (float): ...
# mask_peaks (list, optional): A pointer of which positions to mask peaks from

# Returns:
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches (np.ndarray): Peak matches in the rows of array and the crystals in the columns
# phase_weights (np.ndarray): Weights of each phase
# phase_residuals (np.ndarray): Residuals
# crystal_identity (list): List of lists, where the each entry represents the position in the
# crystal and orientation match that is associated with the phase
# weights. for example, if the output was [[0,0], [0,1], [1,0], [0,1]],
# the first entry [0,0] in phase weights is associated with the first crystal
# the first match within that crystal. [0,1] is the first crystal and the
# second match within that crystal.
# """
# # Things to add:
# # 1. Better cost for distance from peaks in pointlists
# # 2. Iterate through multiple tolerance_distance values to find best value. Cost function residuals, or something else?

# pointlist = pointlistarray.get_pointlist(position[0], position[1])
# pl_mask = np.where((pointlist["qx"] == 0) & (pointlist["qy"] == 0), 1, 0)
# pointlist.remove(pl_mask)
# # False Negatives (exp peak with no match in crystal instances) will appear here, already coded in

# if intensity_power == 0:
# pl_intensities = np.ones(pointlist["intensity"].shape)
# else:
# pl_intensities = pointlist["intensity"] ** intensity_power
# # Prepare matches for modeling
# pointlist_peak_matches = []
# crystal_identity = []

# for c in range(len(self.crystals)):
# for m in range(self.orientation_maps[c].num_matches):
# crystal_identity.append([c, m])
# phase_peak_match_intensities = np.zeros((pointlist["intensity"].shape))
# bragg_peaks_fit = self.crystals[c].generate_diffraction_pattern(
# self.orientation_maps[c].get_orientation(position[0], position[1]),
# ind_orientation=m,
# )
# # Find the best match peak within tolerance_distance and add value in the right position
# for d in range(pointlist["qx"].shape[0]):
# distances = []
# for p in range(bragg_peaks_fit["qx"].shape[0]):
# distances.append(
# np.sqrt(
# (pointlist["qx"][d] - bragg_peaks_fit["qx"][p]) ** 2
# + (pointlist["qy"][d] - bragg_peaks_fit["qy"][p]) ** 2
# )
# )
# ind = np.where(distances == np.min(distances))[0][0]

# # Potentially for-loop over multiple values for 'tolerance_distance' to find best tolerance_distance value
# if distances[ind] <= tolerance_distance:
# ## Somewhere in this if statement is probably where better distances from the peak should be coded in
# if (
# intensity_power == 0
# ): # This could potentially be a different intensity_power arg
# phase_peak_match_intensities[d] = 1 ** (
# (tolerance_distance - distances[ind])
# / tolerance_distance
# )
# else:
# phase_peak_match_intensities[d] = bragg_peaks_fit[
# "intensity"
# ][ind] ** (
# (tolerance_distance - distances[ind])
# / tolerance_distance
# )
# else:
# ## This is probably where the false positives (peaks in crystal but not in experiment) should be handled
# continue

# pointlist_peak_matches.append(phase_peak_match_intensities)
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches = np.dstack(pointlist_peak_matches)
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches = (
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches.reshape(
# pl_intensities.shape[0],
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches.shape[-1],
# )
# )

# if len(pointlist["qx"]) > 0:
# if mask_peaks is not None:
# for i in range(len(mask_peaks)):
# if mask_peaks[i] == None: # noqa: E711
# continue
# inds_mask = np.where(
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches[:, mask_peaks[i]] != 0
# )[0]
# for mask in range(len(inds_mask)):
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches[inds_mask[mask], i] = 0

# if method == "nnls":
# phase_weights, phase_residuals = nnls(
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches, pl_intensities
# )

# elif method == "lstsq":
# phase_weights, phase_residuals, rank, singluar_vals = lstsq(
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches, pl_intensities, rcond=-1
# )
# phase_residuals = np.sum(phase_residuals)
# else:
# raise ValueError(method + " Not yet implemented. Try nnls or lstsq.")
# else:
# phase_weights = np.zeros((pointlist_peak_intensity_matches.shape[1],))
# phase_residuals = np.NaN
# return (
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches,
# phase_weights,
# phase_residuals,
# crystal_identity,
# )

# def plot_peak_matches(
# self,
# pointlistarray,
# position,
# tolerance_distance,
# ind_orientation,
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches,
# ):
# """
# A method to view how the tolerance distance impacts the peak matches associated with
# the quantify_phase_pointlist method.

# Args:
# pointlistarray,
# position,
# tolerance_distance
# pointlist_peak_intensity_matches
# """
# pointlist = pointlistarray.get_pointlist(position[0],position[1])

# for m in range(pointlist_peak_intensity_matches.shape[1]):
# bragg_peaks_fit = self.crystals[m].generate_diffraction_pattern(
# self.orientation_maps[m].get_orientation(position[0], position[1]),
# ind_orientation = ind_orientation
# )
# peak_inds = np.where(['intensity'] == pointlist_peak_intensity_matches[:,m])

# fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize = figsize)
# ax1 = plot_diffraction_pattern(pointlist,)
# return

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