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Martin O'Connor edited this page Jan 22, 2020 · 10 revisions

The SQWRL Query Tab is a graphical interface provided by the SWRLAPI to support interactive execution of SQWRL queries. It provides a convenient way to visualize the results of queries on an OWL ontology. Users wishing to work with the results of SQWRL queries at the API level can use the SQWRL Query API.


The SQWRL Query Tab is available in both the Protégé SWRLTab Plugin and the standalone SWRLTab.

To activate in Protégé, go to Windows -> Tabs menu item and select "SQWRL Tab". To check that you are running the latests version of the Protégé SWRLTab plugin, select the File -> Check for plugins... menu item. If a later version of the plugin is available it will be listed and you will be given the option to upgrade.

Interacting with the SQWRL Query Tab

The SQWRL Query Tab has a control tab that can be used to control the execution of SQWRL queries. A query can be selected from the query table and the "Run" button pressed to execute the selected SQWRL query. If the selected query generates results the results will appear in a new sub-tab.

Users can navigate to that sub-tab to review the results displayed in tabular form. This sub-tab has buttons to re-run the rule base and update the display, or to close the tab. A save option is also provided to save the results to a file in comma separated value format.

Executing queries in the SQWRL Query Tab does not modify the active OWL ontology.