This is the Java version of Prebid Cache. See the Prebid Server Feature List and FAQ entry to understand the differences between PBS-Java and PBS-Go.
Prebid Cache provides the caching service component for the Prebid Server project. Currently, the API supports both the GET and POST endpoints. Prebid Cache Java provides a Redis and Aerospike implementation for the cache. By default it uses Aerospike. How to switch between Redis And Aerospike described at Cache Configuration section. However, Prebid Cache is designed to support any cache implementation.
Project configuration is managed through the use of YAML configuration (see resources folder).
This section covers the mandatory pre-requisites needed to be able to run the application.
- Windows, Linux, AWS, GCP or macOS
- JDK 8+
- Maven
- Git
- Redis (or a custom cache implementation)
- Aerospike
This section describes how to download, install and run the application.
(1). Clone the repo:
git clone
(2). Start Repo Locally: If you have installed Redis or Aerospike or Apache Ignite locally, you may start them both (or separately, depends on your needs) via bash:
sudo systemctl start redis
sudo systemctl start aerospike
sudo systemctl start apache-ignite
Alternatively, you may start DB as Docker image. You should install Docker Engine if you don't have one.
(2.1) Redis via Docker
- Pull Redis docker image of an appropriate version
docker pull redis:<version>
- Run Redis container
- the
should correspond to the pulled image version - the
should correspond to thespring.redis.port
property values of the Prebid Cache
- the
docker run -d --name redis -p <host_port>:<container_port> redis:<version>
# Example (the host will be defined as localhost by default)
docker run -d --name redis -p 6379:6379 redis:7.2.4
(2.2) Aerospike via Docker
- Pull Aerospike docker image of an appropriate version
docker pull aerospike:<version>
- Run Aerospike container (the following instruction is enough for the Community Edition only)
- the
should correspond to the pulled image version - the
should correspond to thespring.aerospike.port
property values of the Prebid Cache - the
should correspond to the spring.aerospike.namespace property value of the Prebid Cache
- the
docker run -d --name aerospike -e "NAMESPACE=<namespace>" -p <host_port>:<container_port> aerospike:<version>
# Example (the host will be defined as localhost by default)
docker run -d --name aerospike -e "NAMESPACE=prebid_cache" -p 3000:3000 aerospike:ce-
(2.3) Apache Ignite via Docker
- Pull Apache Ignite docker image of an appropriate version
docker pull apacheignite/ignite:<version>
- Run Apache Ignite container
- the
should correspond to the pulled image version - the
corresponds to the library that enables REST API access to the server (i.e. to create a cache inside Apache Ignite) - the
-p 10800:10800
exposes the default port10800
that will be a connection port for the Prebid Cache - the host will be the
- the
docker run -d \
--name apache-ignite
-e "OPTION_LIBS=ignite-rest-http" \
-p 8080:8080 -p 10800:10800 -p 11211:11211 -p 47100:47100 -p 47500:47500 \
- Create a cache via Rest Api
GET http://localhost:10800/ignite?cmd=getorcreate&cacheName=<cacheName>
(2.4) Make sure that the Aerospike, Redis and/or Apache Ignite is up and running
docker ps
(3). Start the Maven build
cd prebid-cache-java
mvn clean package
[INFO] Layout: JAR
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 12.099 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-11-13T10:45:51-08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 52M/456M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(4). Run Spring Boot JAR (from project root)
java -jar target/prebid-cache.jar
This section shows examples of the various runtime environment configuration(s).
(1). Localhost with log4j and management endpoints enabled:
VM Options:
java,local -Dlog.dir=/app/prebid-cache-java/log/ -jar prebid-cache.jar
(2). Production with log4j and management endpoints disabled:
VM Options:
java -Dlog.dir=/app/prebid-cache-java/log/ -jar prebid-cache.jar
The Apache Ignite
requires additional VM parameters to be added to support Java 17+
--add-opens java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED
Prebid cache uses Aerospike as a default cache implementation but also supports Redis and Apache Ignite. For switching from Aerospike to Redis replace next:
application.yml: value
with value
or value
For configuring single redis node, please use next properties:
host: host
timeout: value
port: value
host: host
port: port
cache-name: cacheName
It is possible to override the default YAML configuration by supplying a custom configuration. This is done using the spring.config.additional-location
java -jar prebid-cache.jar --spring.config.additional-location=path-to-your-conf.yaml
Redis cluster settings application-default.yml:
- host_1:port_1
- host_2:port_2
- host_3:port_3
timeout: 300
Aerospike cluster settings application-default.yml: aerospike_host_1:port,aerospike_host_2:port,aerospike_host_3:port
Apache Ignite cluster settings application-default.yml: ignite_host_1:port,ignite_host_2:port,ignite_host_3:port
Prebid Cache can support any cache implementation, although Redis is provided as default. Spring injects the cache repository bean instances during context initialization, or application startup. This section describes how to setup a custom cache repository.
The custom cache implementation must contain a class that conforms to the ReactiveRepository interface.
public class CustomRepositoryImpl implements ReactiveRepository
Mono<PayloadWrapper> save(final PayloadWrapper wrapper) {
// You must implement save method
Mono<PayloadWrapper> findById(final String id) {
// You must implement findById method
A configuration object should be passed into the constructor of your custom repository implementation. At minimum, this configuration object would contain the caching service host and port details.
public class CustomRepositoryImpl implements ReactiveRepository
private final CustomPropertyConfiguration config;
public CustomRepositoryImpl(final CustomPropertyConfiguration config) {
this.config = config;
Here is an example definition of a custom configuration property class. It is important to replace 'custom' with the correct cache implementation name (e.g. redis, memcached, aerospike, etc...). If Spring already provides a predefined configuration property prefix, please use that instead.
public class CustomPropertyConfiguration
private String host;
private int port;
Metrics are collected and exported using Micrometer.
For more information, see:
Alongside the default application health metrics exported by the Spring Actuator, the metrics repository supports collection on these types:
- request and request duration
- json request
- xml request
- resource not found error
- bad request error
- invalid request error
- internal server error
The full list of supported monitoring systems that Micrometer can export to can be found here:
Please keep in mind that for some of them, additional dependencies may be needed in pom.xml
enabled: false
port: 2003
- prebid
Since logging is environment specific, log configuration and settings should be defined in the dev, qa, and prod profile sections of application.yml.
# dev
spring.profiles: dev
logging.level.root: debug
logging.config: classpath:log4j2-dev.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Don't forget to set system property
to make all loggers asynchronous. -->
<Configuration status="WARN" monitorInterval="30">
<Property name="fileName">${sys:log.dir}/spring-boot-service.log</Property>
<Property name="fileNamePattern">
<Property name="logPattern">
%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} %5p ${hostName} --- [%15.15t] %-40.40c{1.} : %m%n%ex
<Console name="ConsoleAppender" target="SYSTEM_OUT" follow="true">
<PatternLayout pattern="${logPattern}"/>
<!-- Rolling File Appender -->
<RollingFile name="FileAppender" fileName="${fileName}" filePattern="$fileNamePattern">
<SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="100MB" />
<DefaultRolloverStrategy max="30"/>
<AsyncLogger name="org.prebid.cache" level="info" additivity="false">
<AppenderRef ref="FileAppender"/>
<Root level="info">
<AppenderRef ref="ConsoleAppender" />
To make prebid-cache more robust in face of network disruption or dependent services outage circuit breaker is available and should be configured at application.yml.
# dev
failure_rate_threshold: 50
open_state_duration: 60000
closed_state_calls_number: 5
half_open_state_calls_number: 3
failure_rate_threshold is the failure rate threshold in percentage above which the CircuitBreaker should trip open and start short-circuiting calls
open_state_duration is the wait duration which specifies how long the CircuitBreaker should stay open, before it switches to half open
closed_state_calls_number is the size of the ring buffer when the CircuitBreaker is closed
half_open_state_calls_number is the size of the ring buffer when the CircuitBreaker is half open
This section contains instructions on how to run the app as a service in various different ways. DevOps should find this section relevant and useful. By default, the packaged JAR is setup to be fully executable.
Note: A custom launch script is needed as a fix due to a Spring Boot issue (#12188): spring-projects/spring-boot#12188
To launch the JAR from the command line (UNIX/Linux):
For security reasons, it is recommended to run the service as a non-root user:
sudo useradd prebid-cache
sudo passwd prebid-cache
sudo chown prebid-cache:prebid-cache prebid-cache.jar
sudo chmod 500 prebid-cache.jar
Symbolic link JAR to init.d:
sudo ln -s /app/prebid-cache.jar /etc/init.d/prebid-cache
sudo service prebid-cache start # start service
sudo service prebid-cache status # check status
sudo service prebid-cache stop # stop service
sudo service prebid-cache restart # restart service
Following these steps will allow for:
- Non-root users to run the service
- PID management (/var/run/)
- Console logs (/var/log/)
Description=Prebid Cache Service
Now you can manage this service with systemctl:
systemctl start prebid-cache.service # start service
systemctl stop prebid-cache.service # stop service
systemctl status prebid-cache.service # check status
For more details please refer to man pages for systemctl.
This section describes how to run the app in an Elastic Beanstalk environment with ElastiCache.
(1). Go to the project root:
cd prebid-cache-java
(2). Update codebase :
git pull
(3). Rebuild sources with Maven
mvn clean gplus:execute package
(4). Create folder in work directory:
mkdir aws-prebid-cache
(5). Copy jar file from prebid-cache-java/target to created directory:
cp prebid-cache-java/target/prebid-cache.jar aws-prebid-cache
(6). Create Procfile in aws-prebid-cache directory:
sudo nano Procfile
web: java -jar prebid-cache.jar
(7). Zip aws-prebid-cache directory
zip -r eb-prebid-cache-new
Artifact is ready for deploy to Elastic Beanstalk. For more information, see
(1). Login in to the AWS console,
(2). Click on Create new application.
(3). Specify Application name and description and click Next.
(4). Click on Create web server.
(5). Choose platform as Java and environment type that you need (we will use singleinstance) and click Next.
(6). Upload artifact for deployment (zip file with jar and Procfile).
(7). Specify environment name, url and description and click next.
(8). Choose Create this environment inside a VPC and click next.
(9). Specify instance type (we will use t2.micro) and EC2 key pair, if you want login in to instance via ssh.
(10). Select subnet for EC2 instance and click next.
(11). Press Launch button on review page for launching environment and application.
(1). After cluster configuration is complete, we will need to login,
(2). Go to the environment with application and press configuration.
(3). Choose software configuration and add SPRING_REDIS_HOST system property with host of the ElastiCache redis cluster.
To learn more about how to create an Elastic Cache cluster and the configuration with Elastic Beanstalk, see
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For using the latest version of prebid cache, perform next steps:
(1). Go to the project root:
cd prebid-cache-java
(2). Update codebase:
git pull
(3). Rebuild sources with Maven
mvn clean gplus:execute package
If there are any questions, issues, or concerns, please submit them to