This app provides API to register users, upload and download wav files.
The app provides functionality as follows:
- Register a new user
- Upload a wav file with conversion to mp3 format
- Download a mp3 file
Technologies used in the project:
- Fast-API
- SQLAlchemy
- Uvicorn
- Poetry
- Pydantic
- Docker
- Docker-compose
Project's structure:
- dao - data access objects to work with database
- services - service objects with business logic
- - constants to configure the application
- uploads - uploaded music files
- - DAO and Service instances
- Docker-compose.yaml - main file to start the application by using Docker
- Dockerfile - description of the image to create API container
- - creation db tables
- - file with FastApi application to start
- - utility functions
- - this file with project description
How to start the project: The app is ready to install out of the box. There are two containers in the docker - db providing database and api with the application. To start the app just follow the next steps:
- Clone the repository
- Install docker and docker-compose packages by the command
sudo apt install docker-compose
- Prepare .env file using an example provided below
- Prepare docker-compose.yaml file (change settings such as ports, images if you need)
- Start the app by using
sudo docker-compose up -d
command - The main page with swagger will be available by the url http://localhost/ (if started locally) or http://yourdomain/ (if started on the server)
- After that application is ready to process requests
An example of request:
json: {"username": "legat777"}
{ "id": 1, "uuid": '05646e346a1b47cb8fb20d3bd8a331b5' }
POST: http://localhost/files/upload??user_id=10&uuid=05646e346a1b47cb8fb20d3bd8a331b5
form-data: file
responses: ` http://localhost:80/record?id=10&user=1
responses: 200 OK
Example of .env file:
POSTGRES_DB=booking - your db name
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=plamer0805 - db username's password
POSTGRES_USER=plamer - db username
POSTGRES_PORT=5432 - db port
POSTGRES_HOST=db - database host (the name of docker container)
CLEAR_DB=True - if True then all tables will be deleted each time you start the application
API_VERSION=1.0.0 - current API version (all three settings used only for swagger)
API_TITLE=Bewise Quiz API - API title
API_DESCRIPTION=This API allows you to save unique questions for quiz in database - API description
SERVER_HOST=localhost - domain or ip address or your host (localhost if started locally or ip address(domain) or your server)
SERVER_PORT=80 - port the application runs on (default is 80)
The project was created by Alexey Mavrin in 30 May 2023