##Creative Interfaces On Raspberry Pi using Python
Instructor: Phoenix Perry
Email: [email protected]
-- ###Assignments, reading and notes will be posted weekly on github here: https://github.com/phoenixperry/creative_interfaces
###Course Description:
This course inspires you to create connected applications. We will deep dive into the Raspberry Pi, Python, Unix, Arduino and Networking. The aim of this course it to deepen your understanding of programming and enrich your thinking around interface design. Topics will include, Python, Unix, Arduino, Networking, Databases, Javascript with P5js and Noddejs.
Conceptual terrain will cover HCI, Auditory displays, Tactile interfaces, Cognitive Science and Interface Design.
###Hours: You are expected to spend 120 hours on this course during the term. This includes all lectures, meetings and assignments.
This class adheres to the [Open Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct]. By participating, you are expected to honor this code. [code-of-conduct]: http://todogroup.org/opencodeofconduct/#HKU_Python_Class/[email protected]
###Language: Python 2.7.10
A python IDE. Some good ones
- Pycharm https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/
- brackets http://brackets.io/
- sublime text
Nano until we level up to Emacs http://www.nano-editor.org/
P5js http://p5js.org/
Nodejs https://nodejs.org/en/
- Course Book 2: Think Python http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkpython/
#####Course Videos: Python for Everybody
Learn Python Why not give this site a try. It's super awesome and very clear and gives you immediate code feedback.http://www.learnpython.org
Code Academy
Note: Only valid the first few weeks - lots this class in not here. This of this as a tide over until the coursea course starts up if you want something to grade your code as you go: https://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/python
- Midterm - 20% of the final grade
- Project Work - 40% of the final grade
- Final Project - 40% of the final grade The homework assignments are required and will consist of programming, reading and interface assignments.
###Labs Each week there will be a lab assignment here in a folder called lab
Video documentation is suitable for turning in physical assignments
All code must be documented on github and your github repo most be mailed to the instructor within a week of the start of the term.
##How do I use github? https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/setting-up-a-repository
###All of the code for each week will be pushed up to github.com here
#####Week One: Installation and Course Overview
- Read: Think Python Chapters 1 - 2
- Read: Raspberry Pi Documentation https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/
- Do: lab_01.md
- Think and discuss: https://www.academia.edu/8548014/Emotion_and_Movement
#####Week One: Installation and Course Overview
- Read: Think Python Chapters 1 - 2
- Read: Raspberry Pi Documentation https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/
- Do: lab_01.md
- Think and discuss: https://www.academia.edu/8548014/Emotion_and_Movement
#####Week Two: Installation and Course Overview
- Read: Think Python Chapters 3 - 4
- Read: Serial data in Python http://playground.arduino.cc/Interfacing/Python https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/
- Do: lab_02.md
- Think and discuss: http://www.deepfun.com/serious-games-in-defense-of-fun/