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An Opengraph protocol SubGraph for blockchain identities following the Onchain🆔 standard.

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OnchainID SubGraph for OpenGraph Protocol

An OpenGraph protococol SubGraph for Blockchain Identities following the OnchainID standard.


  • First and foremost, you need to have a running ethereum network on your machine (or anywhere else, you may use the mainnet).
    • Install Ganache/Parity/whatever to run a local ethereum network or decide to use an existing network.
  • Then, local running Graph node is required. The recommended installation method is to use the official docker-compose file.
    • Clone the official graph-node repository git clone
    • cd docker
    • Replace the ethereum environment variable of docker-compose.yaml by the endpoint of the network.
    • Run the docker-compose setup docker-compose up
    • 🎉
  • Clone this repository git clone
    • Install dependencies yarn (or npm i)
    • Run yarn run codegen
    • Run yarn run create-local
    • Run yarn run build
    • Run yarn run deploy-local


Retrieve all claims from an Issuer and their related identities

  claims(where: { issuer: "0x15e2e228c1436de0982f1f30a7bd727cefd02fdc" }) {
    identity {
      keys {

Retrieve all identities on which a key has at least a CLAIM right

  keys(where: { key: "0xf55f3179051ae85efb896e039be2b2537fe704a11c7bdbf407c5ee20a7fe54bf", purposes_contains: [3] }) {
    identity {

How to create a new SubGraph (quick start)

  • Init a new project npm init

  • Set up the package.json scripts. (Note, graph-cli might be required depending on your operating system and node configuration. If scripts commands don't work, try installing yarn global add @graphprotocol/graph-cli.)

    Update the domain/graph-name part to mirror the name of the SubGraph, such as onchainid/id.

      "scripts": {
        "codegen": "graph codegen",
        "create-local": "graph create domain/graph-name --node",
        "build": "graph build",
        "deploy-local": "graph deploy domain/graph-name --debug --ipfs http://localhost:5001 --node",
        "watch-local": "graph deploy domain/graph-name --watch --debug --node --ipfs http://localhost:5001"
  • Install these dependencies: yarn add --dev @graphprotocol/graph-cli @graphprotocol/graph-cli

  • Load your contract ABIs (.json files) into a ./abis folder.

    Instead, you may install a package containing these abis, like yarn add --dev @onchain-id/solidity. This is what was done for Identities contract loaded from the OnchainID solidity package.

  • Create a subgraph.yaml file to describe the SubGraph:

    specVersion: 0.0.3
    description: Decentralized identities over the Ethereum Blockchain.
      file: ./schema.graphql
    dataSources: []
  • Create a schema.graphql file to describe the entities used by the SubGraph and exposed via GraphQL.

    type Identity @entity {
      id: ID!
      address: Bytes!
      keys: [Key!]! @derivedFrom(field: "identity")
    type Key @entity {
      id: ID!
      keyType: BigInt!
      key: Bytes!
      purposes: [Int!]!
      identity: Identity!

    Custom types added by The Graph, such as BigInt and Bytes. The Graph's documentation of GraphQL API explains the usage of relationships and specific reverse properties such as @derivedFrom.

  • Create a file in .src/handlers where the handlers will be implemented mkdir src/handlers/identity.ts

    Implement the event handlers (let them be no-op for now). Imports do not exist yet but will be generated, ignore any IDE error.

    import {
      KeyAdded as KeyAddedEvent,
      KeyRemoved as KeyRemovedEvent,
    } from '../../generated/Identity/Identity';
    import {
    } from '../../generated/schema';
    export function handleKeyAdded(event: KeyAddedEvent): void {
    export function handleKeyRemoved(event: KeyRemovedEvent): void {
  • Declare the ABI to be used and scanned by the graph node in the subgraph.yaml file.
    Any entity used by the event handlers must be declared in the entities property.
    A list of all event to be scanned and handled must also be declared in the eventHandlers property. The event property must match the exact event signature contained by the ABI (if an event is not recognized an error will be thrown displaying the list of available events to help for correction).

      - kind: ethereum/contract
        name: Identity
        network: http://localhost:8545
          abi: Identity
          kind: ethereum/events
          apiVersion: 0.0.3
          language: wasm/assemblyscript
          file: ./src/handler/identity.ts
            - Identity
            - Key
            - name: Identity
              file: ./node_modules/@onchain-id/solidity/build/contracts/Identity.json
            - event: KeyAdded(indexed bytes32,indexed uint256,indexed uint256)
              handler: handleKeyAdded
            - event: KeyRemoved(indexed bytes32,indexed uint256,indexed uint256)
              handler: handleKeyRemoved
  • Now that some entities are defined, generate the typings and the automated code parts that will allow for developing the event handlers: yarn run codegen.

    The handler file ./src/handlers/identity.ts should no longer have errors for non-existing imports.

  • This is where the fun starts. Time has come to create the event handlers. Refer to The Graph documentation, how to write mappings.

    • To create a new entity instance, call <Entity>#create(<id>). The <id> is a string that must be generated. To be able to retrieve instances from blockchain data, the IDs should be composed of addresses, hashes, etc...
    • To load an existing entity, call <Entity>#load(<id>).
    • To save a new entity or persist the update on an existing one, call <entity>.save().
  • Build the SubGraph with yarn run build ✨

  • Declare the SubGraph on the local Graph node yarn run create-local

  • Deploy the SubGraph to the local Graph node yarn run deploy-local (there is also a watch start that will deploy the SubGraph after each code update yarn run watch-local. All events will be processed again with the new updated handlers.).

  • An GraphQL UI for queries is accessible at

IMPORTANT: Whenever the ethereum network has been reseted (eg. Ganache restarted, computer rebooted, ...), you need to DELETE the ./docker/data folder rm -rf ./data.
This is required to clean the existing database that checks the genesis block for the current ethereum network.


An Opengraph protocol SubGraph for blockchain identities following the Onchain🆔 standard.






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